
This is the Maxpay module for the OXID eShop.

Installs: 2

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


1.0.0 2020-05-20 09:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-17 01:16:39 UTC


Maxpay payment module for OXID 6.2 or higher.

INSTALLATION: Module is installed via composer or manually. During manual installation do not forget to run composer install/update to include module path to autoload.


  1. Login/register to https://my.maxpay.com
  2. Create Payment page and get Public/Private keys (test keys are also available here).
  3. Use these keys to configure Maxpay payment module.
  4. On module configuration page you can enable Sandbox mode if neccessary.
  5. All the other settings are done in Maxpay control panel (https://my.maxpay.com). There you can specify success/decline/callback urls for test/prod mode.

Recommendations are:

Success url: {{YOUR_SITE_URL}}/index.php?cl=thankyou Decline url: {{YOUR_SITE_URL}}/index.php?cl=thankyou Callback url: {{YOUR_SITE_URL}}/index.php?cl=maxpayorder&fnc=postback

{{YOUR_SITE_URL}} - your site url (e.g. https://maxpay.com)

USAGE Payment processing is done by redirecting the Customer to Maxpay payment page. All the payment settings are done in Maxpay Control Panel (https://my.maxpay.com).

REFUND FUNCTIONALITY To refund an order you need select an Order, go to Maxpay tab and click Refund order. This will allow full order refund to be done.