
Tranlsations files helper for symfony

1.1.0 2016-11-24 10:36 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 20:22:57 UTC


Simple commands to manage translations in Symfony.

This bundle allows you to write missing translations from a yml file to another requesting the missing translations and storing them in the output file.

For each non found translation it will request the translation showing the field id and the original text to translate, making it very easy to update your translation files when you have added fields to them

** It currently only suports yml translations files



Just require the bundle with composer:

composer.phar require davidrojo/sf-translations-helper

And then add it to app/AppKernel.php:

public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            new DavidRojo\SfTranslationHelper\SfTranslationsBundle(),


Execute the command

php bin/console translations:helper [from_language] [to_language] [BundleName|File] [allowEmpty]


from              Origin language file (example: en)
to                Destination language file (example: fr)
file              Bundle name or the full path from current folder to the input file
addEmpty          Optional (true/false), Add empty values to the destination 
                  file if no translation is added (default: false)


--no-backup       If not present a .backup file will be generated if output file exists


$ php bin/console translations:helper en fr AppBundle

Destination file already exists. Override? (y/n): y
Counting missing translations...3 missing, 0 empty

Field id: delete
Original: Eliminar
Please enter the translation: Effacer

Field id: courses.create
Original: Crear curso
Please enter the translation: Créer un cours

Field id: total
Original: Total
Please enter the translation: Total
Saving file.
File saved at /AppBundle//Resources/translations/messages.fr.yml


Just open an issue or send a pull request and if it fits it will be integrated.


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