Shop module for AsgardCMS

Installs: 69

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0


1.0.1 2018-08-20 12:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 03:08:56 UTC


  • You need to add a few things to arrays in config/app.php

    'aliases' => [
    	// ...
    	'Image' => Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::class,
    	// ...
    'providers' => [
    	// ...
    	// ...


Translating customer data fields

  • If you store user data with unusual keys (e. g. customer's card number) or just need to translate the keys to unusual language, the module won't be able to translate the keys and will leave them in English.
  • If you want to show them in your own format, just create a dictionary somewhere in your app and set the path to customer data dict settings attribute.
  • The module will always try to translate the keys using your dictionary before using it's own.

Products rendering

  • Examples of product routes, controller mehotds and views are available in \Modules\Shop\Http\frontendRoutes.php, \Modules\Shop\Http\Controllers\Frontend\ProductsController.php and \Modules\Shop\Resources\views\frontend\product(s).blade.php

Cart manipulation and order submitting - using module's JS controller

  • You can manipulate content of cart and submit orders with ease through module's JS controller

Include JS controller

  • Add @include("shop::frontend.partials.cart-ajax", [ "omit" => [ ] ]) to bottom of your page (after jQuery is loaded)
  • You can customize which controller's methods you want to use through omit parameter
  • omit values are
    • cart-add, cart-update, cart-remove, cart-destroy
    • cart (shortcut for all cart methods)
    • order-customer-data, order-delivery-data, order-submit
    • order (shortcut for all order methods)
  • You can add them to the array in any combination you wish

Cart content manipulation

Add product

  • All you need to do is to add data-add-to-cart-id={{ $product->id }} attribute to your link and the controller will take care of the rest

Remove product

  • When looping through cart content, add data-remove-from-cart-id="{{ $item->rowId }}" attribute to the delete link (where $item is cart row instance)

Update item count

  • When looping through cart content, add data-previous-value="{{ $item->qty }}" and data-change-quantity-id="{{ $item->rowId }}" attributes to your input (where $item is cart row instance)
  • The controller will listen to changes in the input and on value change will update the product quantity
  • Note: data-row-id="{{ $item->rowId }}" attribute is needed on update input's and remove button's closest <tr> in order to update DOM successfully after the change

Destroy cart

  • Simply add an empty data-destroy-cart attribute to your link and all is done

Order data

Creating inputs

  • Once you have your inputs ready, add data-order-customer-field-name or data-order-delivery-field-name attribute with your desired field name name to each input
  • Inputs' values will be automatically gathered on form submit

Validating inputs

  • To validate your inputs, add data-order-rule attribute to them
  • Supported attribute values are email, phone, number, filled, bool or your custom regex
  • The form is validated before submitting - when validation fails, has-error class is added to input's parent

Shipping/payment methods filtering based on country/shipping method value

  • What you most certainly want to do in your cart is to show/hide payment methods based on selected shipping method, and similarily with shipping methods and selected coutnry
  • To do this, follow simple instructions:
    • Add an empty option to each select, something like <option value="" data-filter-values="">Select shipping method</option>
    • Add data-order-delivery-field-name attribute to your selects, with "country" value for your contry select, "shipping" value for your shipping method select and "payment" value for your payment method select
    • Add data-filter-values to your country and shipping select, with supported shipping/payment methods' IDs separated by coma
      • This can be done like data-filter-values="{{ implode(",", $country->shippingMethodsIds) }}" or data-filter-values="{{ implode(",", $shipping->paymentsIds) }}"
    • Next, make sure that options in each select have value same as the option's ID
  • That's it! Your selects will now hide/show options automatically

Submitting data form

  • All you need to do is to add data-submit-order-customer-data or data-submit-order-delivery-data to your button - the controller will validate and submit the form on click

Submitting the order

  • To submit the whole order, simply add data-submit-order attribute to your button - that's it!

Event listeners

  • You can add your own callback functions to be called when some request's state changes
  • Callback functions objects are accessible through{request name}.{event name} object
  • Available request names:
    • request for all requests
    • addRequest, updateRequest, removeRequest, destroyRequest for cart requests
    • customerDataRequest, deliveryDataRequest, submitOrderRequest for order requests
  • All requests support start, end, done and fail events, request, customerDataRequest and deliveryDataRequest also support validationDone and validationFail events
  • Some events have default methods ready to be used with no coding needed
  • See shop::frontend.partials.cart-ajax.blade.php for more details

Custom alert

  • Most requests call an alert function when they end
  • You can customize your alerts through replacing, type) function with your own

Loading element

  • By default, requests toggle $(".loading") element's visibility on their start/end
  • You can customize this element through replacing attribute with your custom jQuery object

Cart quantity/price change

  • Everytime a cart content is changed, you might want to update price/products quantity somewhere on your site
  • Use attributes data-cart-insert="items" and data-cart-insert="price" at the elements you want to insert quantity/price to and the controller will replace their content automatically each time cart content is changes

Price formatting and filtering select values

  • If you need to format number as price anywhere through your app, use PHP helper {{ price($number) }} or JavaScript function - decimal places, delimiters and currency can be set in module's settings, see Settings part of README
  • If you need to filter select's options based on different select's value (see Order data > Shipping/payment methods filtering based on country/shipping method value in README), you can use JS function, targetSelect, sourceKeyAttribute?, targetKeyAttribute?, delimiter?)
    • Simply call it once and the method will listen to selects' changes and toggle options automatically
    • To learn more about function parameters, see \Modules\Shop\Resources\views\frontend\partials\cart-ajax.blade.php:151

Example views

  • To see example routes, controller and views, head to \Modules\Shop\Http\frontendRoutes.php, \Modules\Shop\Http\Controllers\Frontend\CartController.php and \Modules\Shop\Resources\views\frontend where fully functional shop prototype is ready

Cart manipulation (without JS controller)

  • To manipulate content of cart, you can either use Facade class Modules\Shop\Facades\Cart or AJAX API.


  • API is available at POST shop-api/cart/(action) where (action) is insert, update, remove or destroy
  • Passed attributes are same at methods' parameters in the Facade (see bellow)

PHP Facade

  • You can call static methods in Modules\Shop\Facades\Cart to manipulate cart content
  • For further documentation, see Modules\Shop\Facades\Cart.php

Order submitting (without JS controller)

  • Facade Modules\Shop\Facades\Order and corresponding AJAX API is ready to help you with orders

Storing user and delivery data

  • When you have multi-page cart, Shop module can store your user data and delivery data so you don't need to
  • This can be done through Facade's storeUserData and storeDeliveryData methods or user data, delivery data and order data API routes.
  • Once your data is set, you can retrieve it by getStoredUserData and getStoredDeliveryData methods

Submitting order

  • Submitting order is done through submitOrder method or API route
  • You can submit your user, delivery and products data at this point but if you're using Cart and store user and delivery data, you don't need to pass any data and all data is taken automatically from Cart and stored data.