
High-speed rate limiter using the leaky bucket algorithm

1.6.1 2018-05-31 19:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 03:19:42 UTC


This rate limiting class implements the 'leaky bucket' algorithm. Due to the nature of rate limiting standard file based storage is unsuited to the task. For this reason, Floodgates makes use of Redis NoSQL storage that lives in main memory. This means that you are required to have Redis installed to use Floodgates.


Using composer

composer require DavidFricker/Floodgates

Usage example

Create a rate limiter

The following example creates a rate limiting bucket persisted in volatile memory identified by the $UID, which allows 5 requests in any 60 second window.

$UID = md5('');
$bucket_capacity = 5;
$leak_rate = 60;
$Floodgates = new Floodgates($UID, $bucket_capacity, $leak_rate);

Basic rate limiter usage

Once you have created a rate limiter object as directed in the previous section simply call the addDrop method and check its return value. If the function returns true then the UID has not exceeded his or her allowed limit and so you may continue.

if (!$Floodgates->addDrop()) {
  die('Rate limit exceeded');

// perform the the task that would otherwise be rate limited here

Advanced rate limiter usage

Some applications will require that a single HTTP call will result in an increment greater than one to the rate limiter, this is often the case when more expensive operations are being performed, such as rendering an image using PHP GD.

To increase the drop count by more than one simply pass the integer you wish to increment by to the addDrop call as shown below.

$drops = 3;
if (!$Floodgates->addDrop($drops)) {
  die('Rate limit exceeded');

// perform the the task that would otherwise be rate limited here


Consider enabling a swap file to ensure your processes are not killed by the system if you were to receive many requests from differing UIDs.



addDrop($drops = 1) Increases the drop count in the bucket. In real terms this mean it decrements the remaining requests possible in the current window of time.


boolean - true when the UID has enough remaining requests to fulfil this request, false when the request should be rejected due to exceeding the rate limit


capacityLeft() Fetches the number of drops that can be added to the bucket before it overflows.


int - An integer representing the remaining requests that can be performed before incurring a rate limit


capacityUsed() Fetches the amount of drops currently in the bucket.


int - An integer representing the number of requests that have been performed in the current time window


isFull() Fetches the state of the bucket's remaining capacity


boolean - true when a subsequent request to addDrop would return false, i.e. the request limit has been achieved


flush() Reset the bucket contents, i.e. empty all drops from bucket.




Released under the MIT license.