
Country codes and other info.

1.0.0 2019-12-15 14:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-16 01:44:30 UTC



composer install datablock/countrycodes


New instance

new CountryCodes([?string $country=null]);

Parameters :

  • $country string to define a specific country.

Example :

use \Datablock\CountryCodes\CountryCodes;
// ...
$countrycodes = new CountryCodes();
$countrycodes = new CountryCodes('FR');

Set the country

Define or orverride the country definition :

$countrycodes->setCountry(string $country);

Parameters :

  • $country string (required) to define a specific country.
use \Datablock\CountryCodes\CountryCodes;
// ...
$countrycodes = new CountryCodes();
// ...


Getting database as PHP array :

  • If the $country is not defined, getDatabase return the full database.
  • If the $country is defined, getDatabase return the database for the country.
$countrycodes->getDatabase([?string $country=null]);
  • getDatabase return data as PHP array.
  • getJsonDatabase return data as JSON file.

Parameters :

  • $country string to define a specific country.

Examples :

  • Example 1 (Full database) :

    use \Datablock\CountryCodes\CountryCodes;
    // ...
    $countrycodes = new CountryCodes();
    // ...
  • Example 2 (Database for a specific country on instance) :

    use \Datablock\CountryCodes\CountryCodes;
    // ...
    $countrycodes = new CountryCodes('FR');
    // ...
  • Example 3 (Database for a specific country after instance) :

    use \Datablock\CountryCodes\CountryCodes;
    // ...
    $countrycodes = new CountryCodes();
    // ...
    // ...
  • Example 4 (Database for a specific country only for the method) :

    use \Datablock\CountryCodes\CountryCodes;
    // ...
    $countrycodes = new CountryCodes();
    // ...

Get Country Name

  • If the $country is not defined, getCountryName return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country name".
  • If the $country is defined, getCountryName return the name of the country.
$countrycodes->getCountryName([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the code ISO Alpha 2

  • If the $country is not defined, getIso2 return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country ISO 2".
  • If the $country is defined, getIso2 return the code iso alpha 2 of the country.
$countrycodes->getIso2([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the code ISO Alpha 3

  • If the $country is not defined, getIso3 return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country ISO 3".
  • If the $country is defined, getIso3 return the code iso alpha 3 of the country.
$countrycodes->getIso3([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the TLD

  • If the $country is not defined, getTld return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country TLD".
  • If the $country is defined, getTld return the TLD of the country.
$countrycodes->getTld([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the code FIPS

  • If the $country is not defined, getFips return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country FIPS".
  • If the $country is defined, getFips return the code FIPS of the country.
$countrycodes->getFips([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the code ISO Numeric

  • If the $country is not defined, getIsoNumeric return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country ISO Numeric".
  • If the $country is defined, getIsoNumeric return the code iso numeric of the country.
$countrycodes->getIsoNumeric([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the geoname ID

  • If the $country is not defined, getGeonameId return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country Geoname ID".
  • If the $country is defined, getGeonameId return the geoname ID of the country.
$countrycodes->getGeonameId([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the E164

  • If the $country is not defined, getE164 return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country E164".
  • If the $country is defined, getE164 return the E164 of the country.
$countrycodes->getE164([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the PhoneCode

  • If the $country is not defined, getPhoneCode return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country PhoneCode".
  • If the $country is defined, getPhoneCode return the PhoneCode of the country.
$countrycodes->getPhoneCode([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the Continent

  • If the $country is not defined, getContinent return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country Continent".
  • If the $country is defined, getContinent return the Continent of the country.
$countrycodes->getContinent([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the Capital

  • If the $country is not defined, getCapital return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country Capital".
  • If the $country is defined, getCapital return the Capital of the country.
$countrycodes->getCapital([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the Timezone

  • If the $country is not defined, getTimezone return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country Timezone".
  • If the $country is defined, getTimezone return the Timezone of the country.
$countrycodes->getTimezone([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the Currency

  • If the $country is not defined, getCurrency return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country Currency".
  • If the $country is defined, getCurrency return the Currency of the country.
$countrycodes->getCurrency([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the LanguageCodes

  • If the $country is not defined, getLanguageCodes return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country LanguageCodes".
  • If the $country is defined, getCurrency return the LanguageCodes of the country.
$countrycodes->getLanguageCodes([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the Languages

  • If the $country is not defined, getLanguages return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country Languages".
  • If the $country is defined, getLanguages return the Languages of the country.
$countrycodes->getLanguages([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase

Get the Area

  • If the $country is not defined, getArea return the associative array of ['country_code'] => "Country Area".
  • If the $country is defined, getArea return the Area of the country.
$countrycodes->getArea([?string $country=null]);

Parameters & Examples : same as getDatabase