
Vendor for oracle at laravel

dev-master 2018-11-22 07:29 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 03:33:07 UTC


Vendor for oracle at laravel

Add to app.php at 'providers' block:



php artisan vendor:publish --provider="\OracleLib\Providers\OracleServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Create trait, like at example:

trait OracleRepositoryList

Next all new repository add at this trait and AppServiceProvider

 * @return FooRepository
public function fooRepository()
    return app(FooRepository::class);

At AppServiceProvider

public function boot()
    $this->app->singleton(FooRepository::class, function () {
        return new FooRepository(app('oracle'));

At class, where you wanna use this repo add trait and use it like this:

class FooClass
   use OracleRepositoryList;
   public function method()

Example call function with cursor:

$result = $this->execute(
            'function'    => 'devdb.get_stat',
            'return_type' => 'cursor',
            'p_id_user' => 1,

$stats  = array_keys_rename($result['cursor'], [
    'EXPERIENCE'     => 'experience',
    'STATUS'         => 'status',
    'DT              => 'date',
$stats  = array_keys_set_type($stats, [
    'experience'                => 'integer',
    'status'                    => 'integer',
    'credit_date'               => 'date',