darkorsa / cordo
Microframework designed to efficienly develop REST APIs based on layered architecture and using CQRS, Layered Architecture, Events, Queues, etc.
- darkorsa/cordo-core: ~0.70.0
Requires (Dev)
- nunomaduro/phpinsights: dev-master
- pestphp/pest: ^2.35
- pestphp/pest-plugin-faker: ^2.0
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.12
- symfony/var-dumper: ^6.0
Cordo is a microframework designed for efficient development of REST APIs using principles such as:
- Layered architecture
- CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)
- Event Dispatcher
- Repository pattern
- Queues
- OAuth2
- Package by feature
- Minimal config approach
It's compliant with PSRs: PSR-1
, PSR-2
, PSR-3
, PSR-4
, PSR-7
, PSR-11
, PSR-15
, PSR-18
Main goal to create this framework was to have an efficient tool to build API based applications with good architectural foundations and as little "magic" and configuration as possible.
Note: Cordo is still in development. Some of the basic features are implemented but tests are still missing. Please keep that in mind.
- PHP 8.1 or newer
- Apache/Nginx
Optional requirements
- MySql 5.7 (default DB driver)
- PHP Redis extension (driver for queues)
To create a new project go to your project folder and within this folder type:
$ composer create-project darkorsa/cordo ./ -s dev
Next copy .env_example
file and rename it to .env
. Then fill it with your configuration data.
Optionally you can run console command:
$ php cordo core:init --withOAuth --withUuid
It will create:
- All the neccessary DB tables for OAuth2
- Uuid DB helper functions
Still missing
- Caching - for caching you can check Cordo Gateway
How things work
Cordo does not reinvent the wheel. It's basically a set of popular PHP libraries put together and configured in order to create a simple framework that is in compliance with good programming practices for modern PHP.
Some of the used libraries:
- Doctrine
- OAuth2
- Fast Route
- Tactician
- Fractal
- Plates
- Monolog
- Bernard
- Whoops
- Relay
- Guzzle
- Symfony Console
- Laminas ACL
- Laminas Mail
This documentation does not focus on describing in detail how to deal with Routes, Command Bus, DI Container, querying DB, etc., for that use the documentation of the relevant library.
You are also encouraged to find for yourself how things work under the hood, check the Cordo Core library where abstract classes and interfaces are located.
If you want to see how the code can be organizen within all the layers, how to utilize of CQRS
, Repository Pattern
, Events
, Queues
, etc. take a look at the Users Bundle. Check the installation instructions here.
Entry points
Entry points to the application:
Entry point for HTTP requests is public/index.php
. Your apache/nginx configuration should point to the public
Command-line commands are handled with use of Symfony Console component.
You can fire your commands through the command-line with:
php cordo [command_name]
List currently registered commands:
php cordo list
Global commands should be registered in ./cordo
file by adding them to the application object:
$application->add(new SecurityCheckerCommand(new SecurityChecker()));
Feature commands should be registered in app/[Context]/[PackageName]/UI/Console/commands.php
return [
Registering new package
This framework uses package by feature approach. It means that you organize your code in packages placed in app/
Just add your package folder name to the app/Register.php
protected static $register = [ 'Shop\Users', // add you packages here ];
Once you package is registered, framework will have access to defined routes, DI container definitions, configs, commands, etc.
Package structure
Users package is shipped by default with implemented basic CRUD actions.
Here's how the code is organised:
├── Application
│ ├── Acl
│ │ └── UsersAcl.php
│ ├── Command
│ │ ├── CreateNewUser.php
│ │ ├── DeleteUser.php
│ │ ├── Handler
│ │ │ ├── CreateNewUserHandler.php
│ │ │ ├── DeleteUserHandler.php
│ │ │ ├── SendUserWelcomeMessageHandler.php
│ │ │ └── UpdateUserHandler.php
│ │ ├── SendUserWelcomeMessage.php
│ │ └── UpdateUser.php
│ ├── Event
│ │ ├── Listener
│ │ │ └── UserCreatedListener.php
│ │ └── Register
│ │ └── UsersListeners.php
│ ├── Query
│ │ ├── UserFilter.php
│ │ ├── UserQuery.php
│ │ └── UserView.php
│ ├── Service
│ │ └── UserQueryService.php
│ ├── config
│ │ └── users.php
│ ├── definitions.php
│ └── handlers.php
├── Domain
│ ├── Event
│ │ └── UserCreated.php
│ ├── User.php
│ ├── UserActive.php
│ ├── UserEmail.php
│ ├── UserId.php
│ ├── UserPassword.php
│ ├── UserPasswordHash.php
│ └── UserRepository.php
├── Infrastructure
│ └── Persistance
│ └── Doctrine
│ ├── ORM
│ │ ├── Metadata
│ │ │ └── App.Shop.Users.Domain.User.dcm.xml
│ │ └── UserDoctrineRepository.php
│ └── Query
│ ├── UserDoctrineFilter.php
│ └── UserDoctrineQuery.php
├── UI
│ ├── Console
│ │ ├── Command
│ │ │ └── CreateNewUserConsoleCommand.php
│ │ └── commands.php
│ ├── Http
│ │ ├── Auth
│ │ │ └── OAuth2UserCredentials.php
│ │ ├── Controller
│ │ │ ├── UserCommandsController.php
│ │ │ └── UserQueriesController.php
│ │ ├── Middleware
│ │ │ └── OAuthMiddleware.php
│ │ └── Route
│ │ ├── OAuthRoutes.php
│ │ └── UsersRoutes.php
│ ├── Transformer
│ │ └── UserTransformer.php
│ ├── Validator
│ │ ├── EmailExistsValidation.php
│ │ ├── NewUserValidator.php
│ │ └── UpdateUserValidator.php
│ ├── trans
│ │ ├── mail.en.yaml
│ │ ├── mail.es.yaml
│ │ └── mail.pl.yaml
│ └── views
│ └── mail
│ └── new-user-welcome.php
└── UsersInit.php
This structure consists of layers: User Interface, Application, Domain and Infrastructure.
If you want to quickly boilerplate your new module there's a command for that:
php cordo core:module-builder <context> <module_name> [module_archive_file]
you can find pre-prepared archive in app/resources/module
That can save you a lot of time as this will generate the whole structure of folders and files for typycial CRUD.
Route definitons should be located at app/[Context]/[PackageName]/UI/Http/Route/[PackageName]Routes.php
file. Routes loader class should inherit from abstract class Cordo\Core\Application\Service\Register\RoutesRegister
Routing is done with use of FastRoute but modified allowing to use per route Middlewares
Perferable way to generate API documentation is ApiDoc but that can be changed according to individual preferences.
Dependency Injection Container
DI Conteriner definitions should be placed in app/[Context]/[PackageName]/Application/definitions.php
Cordo uses PHP-ID for DI Container, if you need to find out more check the documentation.
Global config files should be located at config/ dir, while feature configs location should be: app/[Context]/[PackageName]/Application/config/
Config files should return PHP associative arrays. Multidimensional arrays are supproted.
$limit = $config->get('users.limit');
where "users" is the name of the config file and the following segments are array associative keys.
Database configuration is located at bootstrap/db.php
file. Framework uses Doctrine for database storage and object mapping.
According to the CQRS approach preferable way is to use Doctrine ORM for storing and Doctrine DBAL for querying.
Doctine is preconfigured to support UUID.
XML Mapping also is supported so you can map your Domain Models directly with database tables. You should place your mappings in app/[Context]/[PackageName]/Infractructure/Doctrine/ORM/Metadata/
When you have your mappings ready you can create/update/drop schema directly from composer:
composer schema-create composer schema-update composer schema-drop
For mail Laminas Mail is used. Currently there are 2 drivers for mail transport log
(for development) and smtp
. You can define your mail driver and credentials in config/mail.php
In order to add/change drivers you can just replace MailerFactory
class with your own in bootstrap/app.php
Translations are handled with Symfony Translations. Default file format for translations is Yaml
You should place your translation files in app/[Context]/[PackageName]/UI/trans/
folder or subfolders. Naming convention is: [domain].[locale].yaml
, for example: mail.en.yaml
$translator->trans('hello', [], 'mail', 'en')
You can set per request locale by adding &lang
parameter to request uri or by adding --lang
flag while running console command.
Config file for translations is located at config/trans.php
Plates is used as a template engine. Place your view files in app/[Context]/[PackageName]/UI/views/
folder or subfolders.
$templates->render('[context].[module]::[subfolder]/[template_name]', [ // data you want to pass to the template file ]);
Command bus
Cordo uses Tactician command bus for implementing Command Pattern
Your Command -> Handler mappings should be placed in: app/[Context]/[PackageName]/Application/handlers.php
Command bus is configured to lock each handler in seperate transaction, it also supports events, queues, command logging. Check bootstrap/command_bus.php
and Tactician documentation for details.
In contrast to the Command -> Handler mapping where for one Command there can be one and only one Handler you can have several listeners for a single emmited event.
Your listeners definitions should be located at: app/[Context]/[PackageName]/Event/Loader/[PackageName]Listeners.php
. Events loaders class should extend Cordo\Core\Application\Service\Register\ListenersRegister
Here is how you can emit an event:
/** * @var League\Event\EmitterInterface */ $emitter->emit('users.created', new UserCreated($command->email()));
Define your listeners in app/[Context]/[PackageName]/Application/events.php
file (see example in Users module):
$emitter->addListener( 'users.created', static function ($event, UserCreated $userCreated) use ($container) { $listener = new UserCreatedListener($container); $listener->handle($userCreated); } );
For background processing Bernard library is used.
Currently supported drivers are:
- Flatfile
- Redis Extension
The config file for queues where you can specify the driver to be used in your application is located here config/queue.php
If you want to make your Command to be queued just make it implementing Cordo\Core\Application\Queue\MessageInterface
or just extend Cordo\Core\Application\Queue\AbstractMessage
To launch background process that will process queued commands run in the console:
php queue-worker &
To better understand how to deal with events check Users Bundle module and see how welcome message is being sent for newly created users.
Note: if you'd like to use the Redis driver for queues make sure that you have Redis extension for PHP installed. You can install it from PECL repository:
$ sudo pecl install redis $ sudo service php7.4-fpm restart
This framework is shipped with OAuth2 as the default authorization method. OAuth2 servers configuration is located at: app/config/auth.php
For real life OAuth2 implementation please check Users Bundle)
For the purpose of Authorization Zend ACL has been used. ACL roles, resources, permissions cen be defined seperately in each package in app/[Context]/[PackageName]/Application/Acl/[PackageName]Acl.php
which should extend Cordo\Core\Application\Service\Register\AclRegister
In Auth
package that is shipped with Users Bundle there are CRUD actions prepared for users ACL rules.
By default all the errors are logged to the storage/logs/error.log
Additionally in dev
environment errors will be prompth to the screen in pretty format using Whoops. Errors in console are also pretty formated. In production
environment errors stack traces will be emailed to the addresses defined in config/error.php
If you'd like to change any of that bevavior you can to it in: bootstrap/error.php
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.