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A search tool to search a list of needles into a spread text.

v0.1.1 2020-01-25 15:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-17 01:04:52 UTC


A search tool to search a list of needles into a spread text.

    "php": "^7.2",

Available Classes

Interface: TextSearchInterface

Interface for TextSearch class


  • Construct: Require a text to search in.

  • __construct(string $text, ?int $min_length = null, ?float $max_freq = null);
  • Returns true if the $needle is found into text

  • search(Needle $needle) : bool;
  • Get original text (dummy method)

  • getText(): string;

Class: TextSearch

Main class

Class: Needle

A wrapper class around a needle (string) to search into a text.

#How to install

composer require dansrocks/text-search-helper

#How to use



use Helpers\SearchTools\TextSearch;

$text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
         elit. Ut facilisis nunc ac rutrum egestas. Pellentesque
         sodales gravida risus in blandit. Nulla facilisi.
         Aenean hendrerit augue arcu, ut sodales lacus elementum
         in. Fusce dolor dui, tempus eget neque in, tincidunt
         pharetra sem. Donec semper ante vel nisi rhoncus, nec
         auctor dolor ornare.";

$searcher = new TextSearch($text);

$needle = new Needle("fusce dolor dui tempus");

if ($searcher->search($needle)) {
    echo "Found it!";
} else {
    echo "Sorry, I can not be able to find it."; 

#Avanced search

Text search has 2 extra parameters in order to remove any usual words and/or words lower than a length.

You can enable these functionalities in __construct();

ex1. __construct($text, 3);           // remove words with <3 characters
ex2. __construct($text, null, 0.3);   // remove words with 30% of frequency