
GraphQL plugin that accesses custom attributes. To be used on Magento2.4.* setup

1.0.0 2021-09-13 07:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-14 23:49:55 UTC


Catalog GRAPHQL plugin for Magento2

This is a Magento2 plugin with the purpose of customizing the output for the select/dropdown Magento2 catalog attributes.


In a clean Magento2 project, the GraphQL endpoint will display the numeric value of the option id for the the single-value / select / dropdown attribute (instead of the textual option). This repository will allow you to:

  1. Access attribute values based on the entity ID & store view
  2. Access any select/dropdown/filterable attribute in a simple JSON format The output of the GraphQL query will be in the format:

<attribute-code>:{ "code":"<attribute-option-key-for-admin-view>", "value":"<attribute-option-value>" }


The dropdown attributes which have a back-end model predefined (are of type "varchar") are not affected.


This integration has been developed on Magento 2.4.3


If you wish to use this simple flow for customizing any Magento2 select attribute, please install the repository as is:

composer require dannegwork/attribute-of-type-select-graphql-magento2

bin/magento module:enable DannegWork_CatalogGraphql

bin/magento setup:upgrade

Sample GraphQL Request

The provided QL works on a Magento 2.4.3 setup, deployed with sample data:

{ products (search: "fusion", pageSize: 5) { items { uid name sku color { code value } format { code value } } } }

Color & format are select fields.

Contact me!

If you have any question, just contact me at contact@danneg.work