
Simple module for accessing and modify file extended attributes

v0.3.0 2021-03-10 22:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-11 04:34:02 UTC


This library is intended for accessing and manipulating a file's extended attributes.

This probably only works on Linux, and everything has to be set up just right for this to work.

Ideally, you should have the xattr extension installed. If you don't have it installed, we'll try to use the attr command.

This library is designed to fail silently. This means that if neither the xattr extension, or the attr command are available, it will simply do nothing. This will also happen if the filesystem doesn't support extended attributes.


composer require danjones000/php-xattr


use Danjones\Xattr\Xattr;
use Danjones\Xattr\File;

$file = 'path/to/file';
$xattr = new Xattr();
$attributes = $xattr->list($file); // Returns array of attribute names, without values
$value = $xattr->get($file, $name); // Returns a string, or null if not available
$xattr->set($file, $name, 'new-value'); // This will return nothing.

$file2 = 'path/to/another/file';
$xattr->copy($file, $name, $file2); // Copies the attribute named $name from $file to $file2
$xattr->clone($file, $file2); // Copies all attributes from $file to $file2. Existing attributes in $file2 will remain intact

// Use File object when doing multiple operations on a single file
// All methods from $xattr are available. void methods from Xattr return the object, so they can be chained.
$fileObj = $xattr->file($file); // or new File($file);
$file2Obj = $xattr->file($file2);
$fileObj->set($name, 'another-value')->copy($name, $file2Obj);
$fileObj->clone($file2); // Can use either path, or another File object
$file2Obj->list(); // Will have all the attributes added by $fileObj