
A simple Laravel package skeleton development environment

v1.0.1 2024-05-20 17:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 17:14:45 UTC


Create your own laravel package with this skeleton.


For Laravel 10

  • PHP 8.1

For Laravel 11 and above

  • PHP 8.2 or higher


composer create-project danidoble/laravel-package-skeleton --prefer-dist

Note for Windows

Windows not support laravel prompts, so you need to create project, and when it finishes, you need to run the following commands:

Enter to the project folder

cd laravel-package-skeleton

Execute the configuration script

php configure.php

update composer

composer update

or in one line

cd laravel-package-skeleton && php configure.php && composer update


If you want test the basic route run:

./vendor/bin/testbench serve

then open your browser and go to


If you added web routes in your package, you can test it by going to

Note: package-route is the route pre-defined in the package, when you configure the package this route change to your-name-package-route

Ex. my package is Testing so my route will be testing-route, so you need to open instead of previous route.

to check the complete list of commands run:

./vendor/bin/testbench list

for more information about testing with orchestra/testbench visit Orchestra Testbench