
it's a package for managing css, js links ( add to html files ) in laravel project

1.4.0 2021-09-26 17:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-27 00:33:29 UTC



This project using composer.

$ composer require danialrahimy/meta-laravel


Do this steps

By default, config file path is /resources/etc/sourcesHtml.json

So like this format generate config file

    "sassToCss": {
        "client": [
        "shared": [],
        "admin": []
    "minify": {
        "client": {
            "home": {
                "js": [
                "css": [
        "admin": {},
        "shared": {}

Add this codes or replace ( depends on you ) to webpack.mix.js in root of project

const mix = require('laravel-mix');
const fs = require('fs');
const env = require('dotenv');

const config = env.config({path: '.env'})["parsed"];
let data = fs.readFileSync("resources/etc/sourcesHtml.json", 'utf8');
data = JSON.parse(data);

if (!data.hasOwnProperty("minify")){

    console.error("Config File {sourcesHtml.json} must be has minify key");

if (data.hasOwnProperty("sassToCss")){

    let i, j;

    for (i in data["sassToCss"]){

        for (j in data["sassToCss"][i]){

            mix.sass(data["sassToCss"][i][j], `public/css/${i}`)

if (data.hasOwnProperty("minify")){

    let type, id, category;
    let list = {}

    for (category in data["minify"]){

        for (id in data["minify"][category]){

            for (type in data["minify"][category][id]){

                if (!list.hasOwnProperty(type))
                    list[type] = {};

                if (!list[type].hasOwnProperty(category))
                    list[type][category] = {};

                list[type][category][id] = data["minify"][category][id][type]

    for (type in list){

        for (category in list[type]){

            for (id in list[type][category]){

                if (type === "js")
                    mix.scripts(list[type][category][id], `public/${type}/${category}/${id}.js`);

                if (type === "css")
                    mix.styles(list[type][category][id], `public/${type}/${category}/${id}.css`);

To continue create a new key in .env file in root of your project VERSION=dev also can set prod when your project in production mode

Let's use

To describe config file there are two main key:

  1. sassToCss

    • in this object can define multi key that they are array that contain sass files path compile to css files, according to keys, for example client, sass file that are in this array compiled file put in /public/css/client directory
  2. minify

    • in this object can define multi key ( they can be your main category ) that they are object in their object can be multi key ( they can be your subcategory ), and they are also object contains to key: 1.js 2.css that they are array keep your css and js files path.
    • when use VERSION=dev css and js file load in your pages like the list ypu define in config file
    • when use VERSION=prod if you load client category and home subcategory css and js file path in page is /css/client/home.css, /js/client/home.js

To hint, if your project is a website you can use main categories to separate application to parts (admin, client) and use sub category to separate each page

Use in blade files

get js file

client category, home subcategory

    <?= \Danialrahimy\MetaLaravel\Meta::getJs("client", "home") ?>

get css file

client category, home subcategory

    <?= \Danialrahimy\MetaLaravel\Meta::getCss("client", "home") ?>

get css and js together, in order css first

client category, home subcategory

    <?= \Danialrahimy\MetaLaravel\Meta::get("client", "home") ?>