A simple fixtures library for PHP

dev-master 2013-03-04 11:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-10 14:49:05 UTC


A simple fixtures library for PHP. (This is mostly a practice for me to learn writing TDD with, but I think this would be useful)

Build Status


Declare what a fixture should look like:

Stem::fixture('User', array(
	'id' => ':int'
	'name' => '2:words',
	'email' => ':email',
	'bio' => ':string',

Then use it:

$fixture = Stem::attributes('User');

// array(
//   'id' => 29,
//   'name' => 'foo banana',
//   'email' => 'mascot28384@bread.example.com',
//   'bio' => 'dawn chat grandpa ballplayer cell Jill wing brainstorm chill Jills hunk ache'
// )

Or even create a real object directly from it:

$obj = Stem::make('User');

// this calls:
// new User(array( ... ))

In simpler cases you may just need a couple of random words:




  • Add "danharper/stem": "dev-master" to your composer.json and update/install
  • Add 'danharper\Stem\Facades\Laravel\StemServiceProvider' to the providers array in app/config/app.php
  • Add 'Stem' => 'danharper\Stem\Facades\Laravel\Stem' to the aliases array in app/config/app.php

Use it:



Get it from Composer with "danharper\stem": "dev-master".

Then you have two ways you can use it:

use danharper\Stem\Facades\Native\Stem as Stem;

use danharper\Stem\Stem as Stem;

$stem = new Stem;

Provided Handlers

  • :string and :words -- prefix with a number for that many words, eg. 3:words
  • :word -- for a single word, for clarity in your code you could even write 1:word (1:words would also work)
  • :int and :number -- prefix with a number for a number from 0 up to the given number
  • :email

Registering your own Handlers

With a Class

Provide Stem::register() with an object which responds to register with what it wishes to be known as, and when told run (with an optional modifier) returns something to display. Implent danharper\Stem\Handlers\HandlerInterface for clarity.

class CustomHandler {
	public function register() {
		return 'custom';

	public function run($modifier) {
		if ($modifier)
			return "something $modifier";
			return "something else";

Stem::register(new CustomHandler);

Stem::run('lorem:custom'); // something lorem
Stem::run(':custom'); // something else

With a Closure

Provide Stem::register() with a Closure behaving as the run method in the class above, and with the second argument what it wishes to be known as.

Stem::register(function($modifier) {
	if ($modifier)
		return "something $modifier";
		return "something else";
}, 'foobar');

Stem::run('baz:foobar'); // something baz
Stem::run(':foobar'); // something else