
A set of tools to make working with a monorepo of related Laravel microservices easier

v1.0.0 2024-01-02 19:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-13 13:02:57 UTC


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This package allows you to create a monorepo of related Laravel microservices, that share common libraries and backend services/technologies.


A demo repository using this package containing three related Laravel microservices.



composer require dandysi/laravel-monorepo

Create Provider

If you intend to use the normal Laravel directory structure:

php artisan make:monorepo-provider Chores

This will create the file app/Chores/MonorepoProvider.php with the namespace App\Chores

Outside of the normal then you will need to specify the destination directory (this will be relative to the project root):

php artisan make:monorepo-provider Chores microservices/Chores

This will create the file microservices/Chores/MonorepoProvider..php with the namespace Chores

...and update your composer.json autoload paths accordingly:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "Chores\\": "microservices/Chores"

Next Step

Start writing your code as you normally would, albeit using the monorepo provider to setup the service.


Add routes as usual (this function will not be called if routes are already cached).

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

protected function configureRoutes()
        ->group(__DIR__ . '/routes.php')


Register command classes.

use Chores\Console\ExpireArticlesCommand;

protected function registerCommands(): array
    return [


use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule;

protected function registerSchedule(Schedule $schedule): void


Register event listeners:

protected function registerEventListeners(): array
    return [
        ArticleCreated::class => [
        ArticleDeleted::class => [

Register event subscribers:

protected function registerEventSubscribers(): array
    return [


To include isolated config data (this function will not be called if config already cached):

protected function registerConfig(): array
    return [
        'chores' => require __DIR__ . '/config.php'

If however you would like to tweak a normal config file further than just updating an environment variable, wrap the existing value(s) in a function call (this must be the base class and the method must end in Config)

// config/database.php
use Dandysi\Laravel\Monorepo\MonorepoProvider;

return [
    'connections' => MonorepoProvider::dbConnectionsConfig([
        'sqlite' => [
            'driver' => 'sqlite',
            'url' => env('DATABASE_URL'),
            'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', database_path('database.sqlite')),
            'prefix' => '',
            'foreign_key_constraints' => env('DB_FOREIGN_KEYS', true),

...and create a function to perform the modification in the monorepo provider:

// microservices/Chores/MonorepoPrvider.php

public static function dbConnectionsConfig(array $default): array
    $default['new_db'] => [
        // ...

    return $default;


As routes, configs, commands, schedules, events are all isolated, testing is slightly more complicated. However, there is another make command to help. This will generate a test case for you to extend in your tests, effectively setting up the related microservice.

php artisan make:monorepo-test-case Chores/Tests microservices/Chores/Tests Chores

This will create the file microservices/Chores/Tests/TestCase.php with the namespace Chores\Tests and use the Chores\MonorepoProvider class


To use your new microservice, simply update the environment variable MONOREPO_PROVIDER to point to the relevant monorepo provider class:


To quickly run a command, prefix the command with the env

MONOREPO_PROVIDER=Chores\\MonorepoProvider php artisan chores:some_command

Or serve some routes

MONOREPO_PROVIDER=Chores\\MonorepoProvider php artisan serve

Additional Providers

Simply create a new provider and repeat.


Open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.