
API utils for Yii2 framework

v1.2.3 2020-05-13 08:09 UTC



To be able to install this module, first you have to modify your composer.json file like this.

    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "repositories": [
            "type": "git",
            "url": "gogs@gogs.damidev.com:dami-libraries/yii2-api-module.git"

You can use https url version when you don't have ssh key in gogs.

    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "repositories": [
            "type": "git",
            "url": "https://gogs.damidev.com/dami-libraries/yii2-api-module.git"

After this you can call composer require.

composer require dami-libraries/yii2-api-module


As default every request for logged user must contain Access-Token header. You can configure this behavior thru damidevelopment\apiutils\controllers\RestController::$authenticator property.

Multilangual API output

ContentNegotiator works with Accept-Language header. If you need multilangual API, you need to add Accept-Language header to request and define acceptLanguages array in app params. See example bellow.

// config/params.php
return [
    'acceptLanguages' => [
        'en' => 'en-GB', // accept en as en-GB
        'cs-CZ',         // accept cs or cs-CZ as cs-CZ
        'de',            // accept de only (should not be used, better use de => de-DE)

See ISO 639-1 to find language code.

If no Accept-Language header is found or language is not supported, first language in acceptLanguages array will be used as default. If no acceptLanguages is defined, is used base app language.

TODO make generating of language list in acceptLanguages param automatic, not user defined.