
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

dev-master 2017-10-22 15:35 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 23:50:19 UTC


This PHP plugin can hep you integrate with the Binance Excahnge API easier. Binance API: https://www.binance.com/restapipub.html *Example is inside demo folder, you may uncommend the code and try the api by copy the indexphp to your project root folder.


*Note Require to install composer which can found in https://getcomposer.org/

composer require dalvin1991/binance_client_api dev-master

Getting started

require 'vendor/autoload.php'; //the directory of the autoload.php in vendor folder 
$api = new BinanceClientAPI\API("<api key>","<secret>"); //the initialize of the API instance

Get latest price for each cryptocurrency

echo "<h3>getPrices()</h3>";
$ticker = $api->getPrices();
echo "<pre>".print_r($ticker,true)."</pre>";

Get all of your balance for all cryptocurrency

echo "<h3>getBalances()</h3>";
$balances = $api->getBalances($ticker);
echo "<pre>".print_r($balances,true)."</pre>";

Get all of cryptocurrency bid/ask prices

echo "<h3>getBookPrices()</h3>";
$bookPrices = $api->getBookPrices();
echo "<pre>".print_r($bookPrices,true)."</pre>";

Place a Buy LIMIT order

$quantity = 1;
$price = 0.0005;
$pair = "BNBBTC";
$order = $api->buyOrder($pair, $quantity, $price);

Place a Sell LIMIT order

$quantity = 1;
$price = 0.0005;
$pair = "BNBBTC";
$order = $api->sellOrder($pair, $quantity, $price);

Place a Buy MARKET order

$quantity = 1;
$pair = "BNBBTC";
$order = $api->buyOrder($pair, $quantity, 0, "MARKET");

Place a Sell MARKET order

$quantity = 1;
$pair = "BNBBTC";
$order = $api->buyOrder($pair, $quantity, 0, "MARKET");

Place a STOP LOSS order

$quantity = 1;
$price = 0.5; // Target btc sell value
$stopPrice = 0.4; // Sell immediately if price goes below 0.4 btc with market order
$pair = "BNBBTC";
$order = $api->sellOrder($pair, $quantity, $price, "LIMIT", ["stopPrice"=>$stopPrice]);
echo "<pre>".print_r($order,true)."</pre>";

Place an ICEBERG order

$quantity = 1;
$price = 0.5;
$icebergQty = 10;
$pair = "BNBBTC";
$order = $api->sellOrder($pair, $quantity, $price, "LIMIT", ["icebergQty"=>$icebergQty]);
echo "<pre>".print_r($order,true)."</pre>";

Complete History Complete Trade

echo "<h3>getHistoryOrders()</h3>";
$history = $api->getHistoryOrders($pair);
echo "<pre>".print_r($history,true)."</pre>";

Get Market Depth

echo "<h3>getDepth()</h3>";
$depth = $api->getDepth($pair);
echo "<pre>".print_r($depth,true)."</pre>";

Get Open Orders

echo "<h3>getOpenOrders()</h3>";
$openorders = $api->getOpenOrders($pair);
echo "<pre>".print_r($openorders,true)."</pre>";

Get Order Status

echo "<h3>getOrderStatus()</h3>";
$orderid = <orderid>; //orderid can get from getOpenOrders() method
$orderstatus = $api->getOrderStatus($pair, $orderid);
echo "<pre>".print_r($orderstatus,true)."</pre>";

Cancel an Order

echo "<h3>cancelOrder()</h3>";
$orderid = <orderid>; //orderid can get from getOpenOrders() method
$response = $api->cancelOrder($pair, $orderid);
echo "<pre>".print_r($response,true)."</pre>";

Aggregate Trades List

echo "<h3>getAggTrades()</h3>";
$trades = $api->getAggTrades($pair);
echo "<pre>".print_r($trades,true)."</pre>";

Get ALl Order (active, canceled, filled) for the pair requested

$orders = $api->getOrders($pair);
echo "<pre>".print_r($orders,true)."</pre>";

Get candlestick data for the pair requested.

//Interval: 1m,3m,5m,15m,30m,1h,2h,4h,6h,8h,12h,1d,3d,1w,1M
echo "<h3>getCandleSticks()</h3>";
$ticks = $api->getCandleSticks($pair, $interval);
echo "<pre>".print_r($ticks,true)."</pre>";

WebSocket API

Realtime Chart Cache via WebSockets

$api->getChart(["BNBBTC"], "15m", function($api, $symbol, $chart) {
    echo "{$symbol} chart update\n";
    echo "<pre>".print_r($chart,true)."</pre>";

Trade Updates via WebSocket

$api->trades(["BNBBTC"], function($api, $symbol, $trades) {
    echo "{$symbol} trades update".PHP_EOL;

Realtime updated depth cache via WebSockets

$api->depthCache(["BNBBTC"], function($api, $symbol, $depth) {
	//the depth value is inside the $depth
    echo "{$symbol} depth cache update\n";
    $limit = 10; // Show how many depth level for asks/bids
    $sorted = $api->sortDepth($symbol, $limit);
    $bid = $api->first($sorted['bids']);
    $ask = $api->first($sorted['asks']);
    echo $api->displayDepth($sorted);
    echo "ask: {$ask}</br>";
    echo "bid: {$bid}</br><hr>";

Get realtime updated depth cache via WebSockets

$api->depthCache(["BNBBTC"], function($api, $symbol, $depth) {
	//the depth value is inside the $depth
    echo "{$symbol} depth cache update\n";
    $limit = 10; // Show how many depth level for asks/bids
    $sorted = $api->sortDepth($symbol, $limit);
    $bid = $api->first($sorted['bids']);
    $ask = $api->first($sorted['asks']);
    echo $api->displayDepth($sorted);
    echo "ask: {$ask}</br>";
    echo "bid: {$bid}</br><hr>";

Get realtime chart data via WebSockets

//Interval: 1m,3m,5m,15m,30m,1h,2h,4h,6h,8h,12h,1d,3d,1w,1M
$api->getChart(["BNBBTC"], "15m", function($api, $symbol, $chart) {
    echo "{$symbol} chart update\n";
    echo "<pre>".print_r($chart,true)."</pre>";

Get realtime updated done trade data via WebSockets

$api->getTradesA(["BTCUSDT"], function($api, $symbol, $trades) {
    echo "{$symbol} trades update".PHP_EOL;
    echo "<pre>".print_r($trades,true)."</pre></br><hr>";