
Various types of collection classes.

v2.0.0 2022-07-11 22:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 20:17:47 UTC


Simple set of collection classes.

Type Description
Collection A collection is one dimensional list of items that is unconcerned about the name of the individual items.
TypedCollection A collection that only allows one data type into the list.
Registry A registry is a collection of items where each item in the registry has a unique name.
TypedRegistry A registry that only allows one data type into the collection.
ClassRegistry A registry that expects the item values to be fully namespaced class names. It can reflect and instantiate the registered classes.
TraversableRegistry A multidimensional registry where deeply nested values can be accessed using dot notation.

Collection Examples

All collections share the same methods.

Method Description
all() Get the entire collection as an array.
add(item) Add an item to the collection.
first() Get the first item in the collection.
last() Get the last item in the collection.
map(callable) Perform a callback on each item in the collection.
filter(callable) Create a new collection that has filtered out some items.

Basic Collection

A collection is one dimensional list of items that is unconcerned about the name of the individual items.


$collection = new \DaggerhartLab\Collections\Collection(['one', 'two', 'three']);

foreach ($collection as $item) {
  echo $item;


A collection that only allows one data type into the list.


$type = '\\Big\\Long\\Fqn\\ExampleInterface';
$items = [
  new \Big\Long\Fqn\ExampleModel(),
  new \Big\Long\Fqn\ExampleAdvancedModel(),
  new DateTime(),
$collection = new \DaggerhartLab\Collections\TypedCollection($type, $items);

// We don't expect the DateTime() to get registered.
assertEquals(2, $collection->count());
foreach ($collection as $item) {
  assertInstanceOf($type, $item);

Registry Examples

All registries contain the same functionality as Collections, and additional methods for dealing with items by their keys.

Method Description
has(key) Whether the registry contains an item with the given key.
get(key) Get an item from the registry by its key.
set(key, item) Set an item in the registry with a unique name as the key.
remove(key) Remove an item from the registry by its key.

Basic Registry

A registry is a collection of items where each item in the registry has a unique name.


$registry = new \DaggerhartLab\Collections\Map\Map([
  'one' => 1,
  'two' => 'buckle my shoe',
  'three' => 3,
$registry->set('four', 'close the door');

echo $registry->get('two');
echo $registry['four'];


A registry that only allows one data type into the collection.


$type = '\\Big\\Long\\Fqn\\ExampleInterface';
$items = [
  'example' => new \Big\Long\Fqn\ExampleModel(),
  'advanced' => new \Big\Long\Fqn\ExampleAdvancedModel(),
  'another' => new DateTime(),
$registry = new \DaggerhartLab\Collections\Map\TypedMap($type, $items);

$example = $registry->get('example');
echo $example->getTitle();


A registry that expects the item values to be fully namespaced class names. It can reflect and instantiate the registered classes.


$registry = new \DaggerhartLab\Collections\Map\ClassMap([
  'example' => \Big\Long\Fqn\ExampleModel::class,
  'advanced' => '\\Big\\Long\\Fqn\\ExampleAdvancedModel',

 * @var \Big\Long\Fqn\ExampleModel $example
 * @var \Big\Long\Fqn\ExampleAdvancedModel $advanced
$example = $registry->createInstance('example');
assertInstanceOf('\\Big\\Long\\Fqn\\ExampleModel', $example);

$advanced = $registry->createInstance('advanced', ['param1', 'param2', null, 'param3' => ['is_an_array' => true]]);
assertInstanceOf('\\Big\\Long\\Fqn\\ExampleAdvancedModel', $advanced);


A multidimensional registry where deeply nested values can be accessed using dot notation.

Get and set values in a multidimensional registry using dot notation.


// Get values deeply nested.
$registry = new \DaggerhartLab\Collections\Map\TraversableMap([
  'one' => [
    'two' => [
      'three' => 'four',
echo $registry->get('one.two.three');

// Set values deeply nested.
$registry = new \DaggerhartLab\Collections\Map\TraversableMap();
$registry->set('one.two.three', 'four');