d4rkstar / pagi
Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI) client for PHP, suitable to make telephony applications using call flow nodes
- php: >=5.3.3
- pear-log4php/apache_log4php: >=2.1.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-01-12 10:59:05 UTC
This framework is intended to simply making ivr applications using Asterisk's AGI, providing a nice level of abstraction over what an IVR should look like from a developers' perspective.
- Main Site
- In-depth tutorial
- An example IVR application that includes unit tests is available here
- [CI (Jenkins)](http://ci.marcelog.name/ provides API, metrics, and distributables).
- Packagist Home
Contact me
If you have any questions, issues, feature requests, or just want to report your "success story", or maybe even say hi, please send an email to marcelog@gmail.com
Included Example
Please see docs/examples for all the included examples.
You can start by docs/examples/quickstart for a very basic example. You'll need something like this in your dialplan:
exten => 1,1,AGI(/path/to/PAGI/docs/examples/quickstart/run.sh,a,b,c,d)
exten => 1,n,Hangup
Available via Composer
Just add the package "marcelog/pagi":
"require": {
"marcelog/pagi": "dev-master"
"repositories": [
"type": "pear",
"url": "http://pear.apache.org/log4php/"
Packagist URL: (http://packagist.org/packages/marcelog/pagi)
Available via PEAR
You can now easily install PAGI by issuing:
pear channel-discover pear.marcelog.name
pear install marcelog/PAGI
pear install marcelog/PAGI-X.Y.Z
just replace X.Y.Z by the release version you'd like to install :)
See the pear channel
Available as PHAR
Just go to the Jenkins server and grab the latest phar distribution from the PAGI job.
Testing IVR applications
A mocked pagi client is included to easily test your ivr applications. See docs/examples/mock to see an example of how to use it.
For a tutorial about nodes, see this article
Simple Call Flow Nodes are available (see docs/examples/node/example.php). Using nodes will let you simplify how you build and test your ivr applications. Nodes are an abstraction layer above the pagi client, and support:
- Prompts mixing sound files, playing numbers/digits/datetime's.
- Cancel and End Of Input digits.
- Validator callbacks for inputs, can optionally specify 1 or more sound files to play when the validation fails.
- Callbacks for invalid and valid inputs.
- Optional sound when no input.
- Maximum valid input attempts.
- Optional sound when maximum attempts has been reached.
- Expecting at least/at most/exactly N digits per input.
- Timeout between digits in more-than-1 digit inputs.
- Timeout per input attempt.
- Retry Attempts for valid inputs.
- And much more!
The NodeController will let you control the call flow of your application, by registering nodes and actions based on node results. Thus, you can jump from one node to the other on cancel or complete inputs, hangup the call, execute a callback, etc. For an example, see docs/examples/nodecontroller/example.php
An article about the node controller is available here
CallFiles are supported. You can also schedule a call in the future.
Sending and receiving faxes is supported using spandsp (applications SendFax and ReceiveFax).
Available Facades
- PAGI\Client\CDR: Provided to access cdr variables.
- PAGI\Client\ChannelVariables: Provided to access channel variables and asterisk environment variables.
- PAGI\Client\CallerID: Provided to access caller id variables.
- PAGI\Client\Result: Provided to wrap up the result for agi commands.
- PAGI\CallSpool\CallFile: Call file facade.
- PAGI\CallSpool\CallSpool: Call spool facade.
- PAGI\Logger\Asterisk: Provides access to asterisk logger (see logger.conf in your asterisk installation).
For every operation, a Result is provided. Some operations decorate this Result to add functionality, like PlayResult, ReadResult, etc. For example, a stream file will return a PlayResult, which decorates a ReadResult which in turn, decorated a Result.
- PAGI\Client\DialResult
- PAGI\Client\ExecResult
- PAGI\Client\ReadResult
- PAGI\Client\PlayResult
- PAGI\Client\FaxResult
Debugging, logging
You need log4php. Just make sure you copy it to the include_path and PAGI will pick it up from there (the directory src/main/php is the one that needs to be in the include_path).
- build.xml is a phing build file, not ant.
- It's very possible that you may need to edit build.properties.
- Available main targets: all, build, test, report.
- Tools run: phpdoc, phploc, phpcs, phpmd, phpcpd, phpdepend, phpunit.
- Setup your installation by editing pear and php paths in build.properties
- Run phing install-dependencies this will install pear and everything needed to run phing tests and metrics.
- Copy resources/php.ini.example to resources/php.ini and edit it.
- Run phing all
Copyright 2011 Marcelo Gornstein marcelog@gmail.com
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.