
Asset manager using symfony console & assetic

dev-master 2013-12-26 04:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-06 03:33:37 UTC


Set up your asset manager in configuration file and let assetic compile it for you.


  • This library require composer to install. require "cynode/asset-manager": "dev-master" and install it via composer.

  • Create configuration files for example : /path/to/your/configDirectory/asset.php


$ui = __DIR__ . '/../ui';

return array(
//This is config key used for cache directory,this key is required and the value is your cache directory that must be exist and writeable by webserver
    'cacheDir' => __DIR__ . '/../cache/asset',
//This is config key used for published assets directory,this key is required and the value is your published assets directory that must be exist, writeable, and must be a public path (accessible by web browser)
    'assetDir' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/public/assets',
//This is config key used for your base UI directory *   
    'baseDir' => $ui,
//register your filters here
    'filters' => array(
        'js_min' => array(
            'class' => 'Assetic\Filter\JSMinFilter',
        'less' => array(
            'class' => 'Assetic\Filter\LessphpFilter',
        'css_min' => array(
            'class' => 'Assetic\Filter\CssMinFilter',
        'coffee' => array(
            'class' => 'Cynode\AssetManager\CoffeephpFilter',
            //you can add arguments for your constructor filter here
  //register your assets here.
    'assets' => array(
    //this key will used as published asset name, the end prefix _js will replaced to .js, used for asset name extension.
        'jquery_js' => array(
            'files' => array(
        'twitter_js' => array(
            'files' => array(
        'main_js' => array(
            //this will concat your last registered asset name for this case this will use jquery_js assets and twitter_js assets
            ////this key will register globs asset
            'globs' => array(
            //this key will imported as globs assets and the value are filter for this glob asset.
                "$ui/default/coffee/*" => array(
            //this is global filters for this asset.
            'filters' => array('js_min')

See assetic for more documentation to learn how your asset, and filter works.

  • Initialize in your bootstrap file, for example /path/to/your/public/index.php
use Cynode\AssetManager\AssetManager;
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
//change with your asset config file path
$assetConfig=dirname(__DIR__) . '/config/asset.php';

//your bootstrap script ....