
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.1) of this package.

Crypto payment gateway for BTC, TRX

v1.1 2023-01-08 10:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-08 13:31:49 UTC


Api services

This component use next api services:

Infura You must create account. Then create new project with product Ethereum. After that you will receive project id value. Then paste this key to env "INFURA_PROJECT_ID". This service uses for Ethereum blockchain.

Nownodes You just need to fill email input and press button "Get Free Api Key". Then you will receive api key on your email. Then paste this key to env "NOWNODES_API_KEY". This service uses for Bitcoin/Litecoin blockchain.

Trongrid This service uses for Tron blockchain. It is used without any api key.

Xrp ledger This service uses for Ripple blockchain. It is used without any api key.

Mainnet/Testnet blockchain

If you want to use component in testnet you must set this env parameters:


Mnemonic phrase

At this moment all project use only one mnemonic phase. From this phrase will be generated new wallet addresses. Also from wallet with path index 0 will be processed all withdrawal. To set this phrase you must fill env parameter MNEMONIC_PHRASE

Test wallets

For test use can generate your own wallets or can use next one:


Test explorer

Attention: when you send trc20 token your trx balance must be greater than 0, because fee paid only in trx


Test explorer

Attention: when you send erc20 token your eth balance must be greater than 0, because fee paid only in eth

##XRP Test explorer

Attention: first transaction to new address must be greater than 10 XRP, otherwise transaction will be failed, and you even could not find address at explorer, more details


Test explorer


Test explorer

How to use this component?

When you want to generate wallet, you need seed phrase (mnemonic). It is the main keys. You can use your own seed phrase or generate new one. To generate new seed phrase you can make next step:

$service = app(WalletGenerator::class);
$mnemonic = $service->generateSeed();

To generate BTC crypto wallet:

$service = app(WalletGenerator::class);
$mnemonic = $service->generateSeed();
$path = 0;
$wallet = $service->generate(new CryptoCurrencyCoin(CryptoCurrencyCoin::BTC), $mnemonic, $path);

From one mnemonic you can generate (2^31 - 1) addresses, just you need to put needed $path. More detail you can reed at BIP-32 specification

To send 0.0001 BTC from our wallet to n2k8dJGvQa9Z4G5gPDogKPsopbvoGoJmaR you can use next code, of course at your wallet must be sum greater than 0.0001 + network fee:

$walletService = app(WalletGenerator::class);
$mnemonic = $walletService->generateSeed();

$coin = new CryptoCurrencyCoin(CryptoCurrencyCoin::BTC);
$senderWalletDto = $walletService->generate($coin, $mnemonic, 0);

$currency = new Currency(CryptoCurrency::BTC(), new CurrencyNetwork(TokenType::DEFAULT(), 8));
$senderWallet = new Wallet($senderWalletDto->address, $senderWalletDto->privateKey, $currency, $senderWalletDto->pubKey);

$crypto = AbstractCryptoFactory::instanceByCurrency($currency);
$destinationAddressDto = new DestinationAddressDto([
    'address' => 'n2k8dJGvQa9Z4G5gPDogKPsopbvoGoJmaR',
    'amount' => 0.0001
$transaction = $crypto->createTransaction($senderWallet)->create($destinationAddressDto);
$result = $crypto->broadcastTransaction($transaction);