
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

The library to generate the mapping layer for your API

0.1.4 2018-03-21 14:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2018-06-21 16:41:54 UTC



Library to generate an mapping interface based on an given API definition.

Useful for the initial setup of a new consumer application that needs to handle an format mapping of an already existing API / or an service that shall implement an API based on a definition.

Supported input definitions



$ composer require cyberrebell/api-mapping-layer-gen



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use ApiMappingLayerGen\Mapper\OpenApi\Mapper;
use ApiMappingLayerGen\Generator\Php\EntityGenerator\Native;
use ApiMappingLayerGen\Generator\Php\EntityBuilder;

$file = '/path/to/api.yml';

$mapper = new Mapper($file);
$patterns = $mapper->getPatterns();

$entityBuilder = new EntityBuilder(new Native([
    'addDocblockTypes' => true,
    'addDocblockDescriptions' => false,
    'useFluentSetters' => false,
    'useSetterTypeHints' => true,
    'useGetterTypeHints' => true,
    'hideNullValues' => true

$entityBuilder->buildEntities($patterns, 'App', 'src/App');


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use ApiMappingLayerGen\Mapper\OpenApi\Mapper;
use ApiMappingLayerGen\Generator\JsonSchema\JsonSchemaBuilder;
use ApiMappingLayerGen\Generator\JsonSchema\OpenApi\JsonSchemaGenerator;

$file = '/path/to/api.yml';

$mapper = new Mapper($file);
$definition = $mapper->getDefinition();

$jsonBuilder = new JsonSchemaBuilder(new JsonSchemaGenerator());
$jsonBuilder->buildSchemas($definition, __DIR__ . '/../docs/json');

Supported output formats

  • PHP
    • Native
      • creates GeneratedEntites which contain all generated functionality expected of a mapping layer
      • creates Entities which extend the GeneratedEntities and can be used to store additional functionality
      • uses native PHP arrays rather than collection classes like
    • CollectionBased
      • Same as Native but uses collection classes and also generates Collections which can be extended with specific filter/search features
  • json-schema (
    • Creates schema.json files which can be used for testing or validation purposes


MIT © Cyberrebell