
Captcha plugin for CakePHP.

dev-master 2015-10-22 11:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-24 08:33:02 UTC


The Captcha plugin allows you to add captcha checks on selected forms.

  1. Install the plugin in Plugins folder
  2. Add the captcha input on your selected view (eg register.ctp)


CaptchaInput->captcha_input(); ?>

  1. Add the following to the controller method which handles the form: (assuming your controller uses a User model)

    public function your_controller_method() { // enable check captcha for create $this->YourModelNameHere->Behaviors->load('CaptchaCreator.CaptchaCheck');

     if ($this->request->is('post')) {
     	$this->YourModelNameHere->create(); // captcha will now be checked
     	if ($this->YourModelNameHere->save($this->request->data)) {
     		$this->Session->setFlash(__('The XYZ has been saved.'));
     		return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
     	} else {
     		$this->Session->setFlash(__('The XYZ could not be saved. Please, try again.'));


Other methods like admin screens can still create records without the captcha validation getting in your way. The validation rule is only enabled when you request it.


  • CakePHP 2.5+
  • PHP 5.2.8+
  • Lib GD


Pull requests welcome.


Copyright 2007-2014 Cybernostics Pty. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT License. Redistributions of the source code included in this repository must retain the copyright notice found in each file.