
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Symfony CybBotDetectBundle

v1.0.0-BETA4 2016-11-27 08:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-07-22 20:00:51 UTC


This bundle provide more Security, to your application by filter requests made by evil users / bots.

If an attacker try to hack your application (bruteforce, url scans, ...), it is detected and attacker ip address is banned of your application OR of your complete system with Fail2Ban.

Features :

  • Configurable, you can choose to enable / disable checks, set limits, ...
  • Extendable : provides events to easily connect your methods (send alert email, ...)
  • Fail2Ban Integration

How it work

There is a strike system, when an users go beyond the limits, a ip address ban is applied. Strike is separated in different categories (each can be enabled / disabled) :

  • UserAgent
  • Call non existant suspect URL (like /wp-admin/login)
  • Call request which return 404 error
  • Call request which return 4xx error (404 excluded)
  • Your custom strikes (like login form bruteforce)

Ban time is progressive : it double at each ban of same ip. (min / max configurable)

Fail2Ban Integration

Which provide more ?

If you don't use Fail2Ban, the HTTP request is received by your Apache/Nginx and processed (even if ip is banned -> return 403) but if you use Fail2Ban, the HTTP request was blocked on the Firewall directly (iptables), and your web server never receive the malicous requests -> remove useless load

Futhermore by using it, you prevent attacker to try other system ports like SSH, FTP, ...

WIP - coming soon :)



Simply run : composer require cyberdean/botdetect-bundle Beta : composer require cyberdean/botdetect-bundle:@beta

Add to AppKernel.php : new Cyberdean\Security\BotDetectBundle\CybBotDetectBundle()

Don't forget to update your database : php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Optional, Import pre-configured Bad User-Agent / Url in database : php bin/console bot-detect:import-basedata

If you don't run this command, don't forget to fill database yourself, otherwise UA & URL check are useless.


config.yml - Default values

    # Minimum PHP DateInterval ban time
    min_ban_interval: 'P3D'
    # Maximum PHP DateInterval ban time
    max_ban_interval: 'P6M'
    # HTTP code when user ip is banned
    ip_banned_response_code: 403
        #If true strike 404 errors
        check: false
        #If true strike 4xx errors (not 404)
        check: true
        #If true strike ua bad bot
        check: true


GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3), see LICENSE file.

Simple explanation :