
load domain specific data from files. fast & easy

v1.0.0 2022-09-21 14:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 02:52:41 UTC


load your domain specific data from files or functions, lazy or not


i need a fast and simple way to load rather static read only data in my app. that kind of data i don't want to have in a database. maybe the app doesn't need a database anyways.


  • multiple data formats: yaml, json, ini, serialized php, php
  • lazy load from files
  • lazy load from anonymous functions
  • cache (serialized php as the fastest format for deserialization)


this package depends on "symfony/yaml"

composer require cwmoss/doda


use cwmoss\doda;

$domain = new doda(__DIR__.'/config/domain-data.yaml');

$country = $domain->get(''); // "France"

the example yaml file

    - via email
    - via phone
contact_phone: 555 321654
country_codes: !file cc.json



new doda($entrypoint_file, (optional)[array_of_callback_functions]);

the entrypoint_file should either be a yaml file or a cache file.

get($path, $default=null)

$path is dot.notated.path to your data or an array of path segments

# "" is the same as ['country_code', 'fr']

the default value will be returned, if a key in the path does not exist in your data.


you can php-serialize a previously parsed file, which then can be used as entrypoint_file.

you can compile from command line:

php vendor/cwmoss/doda/src/doda.php config/your-domain-data-file.yaml

yaml specific

the import key

your yamlfile can contain the top-level-magic-key import. here you can list all the data, you wish to load and then merge with the rest of the file.

    - imports/categories.yaml
    - imports/countries.db
    - ../fruits-folder/fruits.php


this yaml tag loads data from a file at the time, you want to access this data (lazy load).

country_codes: !file cc.json

see tests/data folder for more examples


this yaml tag loads data from a function call at the time, you want to access this data (lazy load). the function name should be in the $functions array during instantiation.

country_codes: !fun load_country_codes

see tests/data folder for more examples


run php unit



cwmoss/doda is released under the MIT public license. See the enclosed LICENSE for details.