
A simple file storage

v1.4.3 2022-09-16 00:30 UTC


Package description: Allows using file storage on your models that are searchable


Install via composer

composer require custom-d/simple-file-storage

Publish package assets (optional)

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CustomD\SimpleFileStorage\ServiceProvider"

or set env variable:


Run Migrations

php artisan migrate


on the model you want to have file attachements add the following trait:

use CustomD\SimpleFileStorage\HasFileStorage;

class MyModel extends Model

    use HasFileStorage;

you can also optionaly set the following constants:

const DEFAULT_STORAGE_DISK = ''; //default is your config(filesystems.default)
//or override method:
 protected function getDefaultDisk(): string
  return 'xxx';

const DEFAULT_STORAGE_COLLECTION = 'default'; //default = default
//or override the method
protected function getCollectionName(?string $collection): string
  return 'xxx';

Uploading files

you can upload either a base64 encoded or a form files request by using:

$model->storeFileFromRequest($key [,?array $custom_properties = null[, ?string $collection = null[, ?string $disk = null]]]);

$model->storeFilesFromRequest($keys [,?array $custom_properties = null[, ?string $collection = null[, ?string $disk = null]]]);

$model->storeFileFromBase64($base64Data [,?array $custom_properties = null[, ?string $collection = null[, ?string $disk = null]]]);

though it will throw an exception if the file is not uploadable or the key is not set.

retrieving files:

$model->attachements()->get(); // to get all
$model->getAttachments()->get([$collection]); //will only get the default collection attachemnts

//available scopes
$model->withProperty('key','value'); // key value set vai the custom_properties when storing
$model->orWithProperty('key','value'); // key value set vai the custom_properties when storing
$model->withoutProperty('key','value'); // key value set vai the custom_properties when storing
$model->orWithoutProperty('key', 'value'); // key value set vai the custom_properties when storing
$model->withoutPropertyKey('key'); // key set via teh custom properties when storing (not set in this case)
$model->orWithoutPropertyKey('key'); // key set via teh custom properties when storing (not set in this case)
$model->inCollection('collection'); //can pass a single, or array of collection names
$model->orInCollection('collection'); //can pass a single, or array of collection names
$model->notInCollection('collection'); //can pass a single or array of collection names
$model->orNotInCollection('collection'); //can pass a single or array of collection names

File Methods

  • getFileName - gets the stored filename
  • getStorage - gets the storage instance (so you could do $item->getStorage()->Xxxx($filename))
  • missing - checks if the file is missing
  • exists - checks if the file exists
  • get - gets the file content
  • url - gets the file url
  • temporaryUrl - gets temporary url (AWS only)
  • delete - deletes the file and record.
  • download - to trigger a streamed download
  • stream - to trigger an inline stream


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


This package is bootstrapped with the help of melihovv/laravel-package-generator.