
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Drupal 10 base install theme for University of Colorado

dev-main 2023-10-24 16:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-01-24 17:00:13 UTC


The Starter Kit theme for Drupal is an implementation and adaptation of standard CU System design principles and patterns.


This theme is part of the CU System Profile and requires the modules and configuration from that to install correclty.


Head to Appearance and clicking bootstrap5 settings.


  • Enable theme.
  • Head to /admin/appearance/settings/cu_starterkit_theme.
  • Scroll down to Subtheme section.
  • Name your subtheme and click Create.

Development and patching

  • Install development dependencies by running npm install
  • To lint SASS files run npm run lint:sass (it will fail build if lint fails)
  • To lint JS files run npm run lint:js (it will fail build if lint fails)
  • To compile SASS run sass scss/style.scss css/style.css (requires SASS compiler)
  • To compile SASS for CKEditor5 run sass scss/ck5style.scss css/ck5style.css
  • To compile JS: run npm run build:js
  • optional: create symlink from cu_starterkit_theme repo folder to a local Drupal installation to simplify development ln -s /path/to/cu_starterkit_theme /path/to/local-drupal-site/web/themes/custom


The CU Starter Kit Theme was created for Drupal 10 using the starterkit_theme generator and Bootstrap5. Additional information on generating themes can be found in the Starterkit documentation.

The theme will be maintained up-to-date with Drupal core's starterkit_theme theme according to the documentation for Tracking upstream changes.