
A collection of shortcode plugins for CKEditor

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dev-main 2022-04-27 21:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-30 01:05:53 UTC


A set of CKEditor plugins to insert short codes

Included shortcodes

  • Button
  • Font Awesome Icon


This module is installed with the profile.


Extending CKEditor in broken up into two parts, the CKEditor plugin and the Drupal plugin. The Drupal plugin connects the CKEditor plugin to the site. We are using CKEditor 4, so making plugins must adhere to the CKEditor 4 API.

CKEditor Plugin

Plugins for CKEditor follow a specific directory structure. You can add new plugins to the plugins directory.

|_ dialogs         // This is where to define modals for the plugin
|_ css             // Optional styles for this plugin. Styles are applied to the modal dialog only
|_ icons           // Contains the button icon that appears on the editor toolbar
|_ plugin.js       // This defines the plugin

To create a plugin, read this Plugin example. You don't have to add the config.extraPlugins part since Drupal will do that.

The name of the icon image MUST match the name of the plugin.
The ckeditorfa5 plugin contains an icon called ckeditorfa5.png.
In the call to editor.ui.addButton(), the icon option is also named ckeditorfa5 without the file extension.

Drupal Plugin

Plugins will extend the CKEditorPluginBase class. You can add a new plugin in the src/Plugin/CKEditorPlugin directory. Each file must have annotations above the class in order for Drupal to find it.

You can copy an existing Plugin file to create your own. The two important methods in this class are getFile() and getButtons(). The former will tell Drupal where the actual CKEditor plugin is. The latter will add the button to the editor toolbar.

The value for the id in the class annotation MUST match the name of the CKEditor plugin name.
The ckeditorfa5 plugin defines a new plugin with CKEDITOR.plugins.add('ckeditorfa5',{})
In the IconShortcode.php annotation, the id has the value "ckeditorfa5"

In the getButtons() return array, the key in the associative array MUST match the button name in the CKEditor plugin.
In IconShortcode.php, the key name is ckeditorfa. In ckedortorfa5/plugin.js, the first argument in the call to editor.ui.addButton() is also called ckeditorfa

Custom Filters

Filters are applied to the text before it's rendered to the page. You can add new filters in the src/Plugin/Filter directory.

There is one method, process() where the text is transformed. Make sure to return a new string and not the $text variable that's passed into the function. If you're adding classes or additional markup, be sure to add it to the Allowed HTML Tags filter option on the text editor config page.


To add CSS to the text editor itself, add CSS files to the ckeditor_sylesheets key in