
Composer package for Laravel 5.0 and above to allow for feedback and support requests within an application

1.0.0 2018-01-26 22:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-26 05:12:28 UTC


Composer package for Laravel 5.0 and above to allow for feedback and support requests within an application.

This package adds the ability to accept feedback and support submissions out of the box with minimal code updates. Information about the currently-authenticated user will also be included with the messages.

MySQL database functionality is enabled by default to promote storage and persistence of messages that are sent out. This functionality is optional, however, so this package does not require a database in order to perform the sending of requests.

NOTE: This package relies on the mail functionality provided by Laravel and the settings can differ based upon Laravel version. Please ensure your mail settings in your .env file are valid.

Table of Contents


Composer, Environment, and Service Provider


To install from Composer, use the following command:

composer require csun-metalab/laravel-support


Now, add the following line(s) to your .env file:


You may also elect to add the following optional line(s) to your .env file to customize the functionality further. These values are shown with their defaults. They are explained in detail within the Optional Environment Variables section further down:



FEEDBACK_TITLE="New Feedback Submission"
SUPPORT_TITLE="New Support Request"





If you want to keep the defaults for the given values, you do not need to include them in your .env file.

Service Provider

Add the service provider to your providers array in config/app.php in Laravel as follows:

'providers' => [


   // You can also use this based on Laravel convention:
   // 'CSUNMetaLab\Support\Providers\SupportServiceProvider',


Route Installation

You will now need to add the various routes for the package. They are named routes since you can then customize the route paths based upon your own application. The package will use the route names instead of the paths when performing operations.

Laravel 5.1 and above

Add the following group to your routes.php or routes/web.php file depending on Laravel version to enable the routes:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth']], function () {
  Route::get('support', '\CSUNMetaLab\Support\Http\Controllers\SupportController@create')->name('support.create');
  Route::post('support', '\CSUNMetaLab\Support\Http\Controllers\SupportController@store')->name('support.store');

  Route::get('feedback', '\CSUNMetaLab\Support\Http\Controllers\FeedbackController@create')->name('feedback.create');
  Route::post('feedback', '\CSUNMetaLab\Support\Http\Controllers\FeedbackController@store')->name('feedback.store');

Laravel 5.0

Add the following group to your routes.php file to enable the routes:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth']], function () {
  Route::get('support', [
    'uses' => '\CSUNMetaLab\Support\Http\Controllers\SupportController@create',
    'as' => 'support.create',
  Route::post('support', [
    'uses' => '\CSUNMetaLab\Support\Http\Controllers\SupportController@store',
    'as' => 'support.store',
  Route::get('feedback', [
    'uses' => '\CSUNMetaLab\Support\Http\Controllers\FeedbackController@create',
    'as' => 'feedback.create',
  Route::post('feedback', [
    'uses' => '\CSUNMetaLab\Support\Http\Controllers\FeedbackController@store',
    'as' => 'feedback.store',

Publish Everything

Finally, run the following Artisan command to publish everything:

php artisan vendor:publish

The following assets are published:

  • Configuration (tagged as config) - these go into your config directory
  • Migrations (tagged as migrations) - these go into your database/migrations directory
  • Models (tagged as models) - these go into your app directory
  • Messages (tagged as lang) - these go into your resources/lang/en directory as support.php
  • Views (tagged as views) - these go into your resources/views/vendor/support directory

Required Environment Variables

You added two environment variables to your .env file that control the sending of messages via email.


The address(es) to use as the recipient(s) for the feedback emails. Multiple recipients can be specified if separated with a pipe character.

Example (single): feedback@example.com

Example (multiple): info@example.com|feedback@example.com


The address(es) to use as the recipient(s) for the support request emails. Multiple recipients can be specified if separated with a pipe character.

Example (single): support@example.com

Example (multiple): help@example.com|support@example.com

Optional Environment Variables

There are several optional environment variables that may be added to customize the functionality of the package even further.


The email address to use as the sender when sending a feedback message.

If this value has not been specified, the value of MAIL_FROM in your .env value will be used instead. If there is no MAIL_FROM value to use as a fallback, an exception will be thrown upon sending the feedback message.

Default value is either the MAIL_FROM value or null.


The email display name to use when sending a feedback message.

Default is Do Not Reply.


The email address to use as the sender when sending a support request message.

If this value has not been specified, the value of MAIL_FROM in your .env value will be used instead. If there is no MAIL_FROM value to use as a fallback, an exception will be thrown upon sending the support request message.

Default value is either the MAIL_FROM value or null.


The email display name to use when sending a support request message.

The "From" address will be determined by the MAIL_FROM environment value outside of this package.

Default is Do Not Reply.


The title of the email when sending a feedback message.

Default is New Feedback Submission.


The title of the email when sending a support request message.

Default is New Support Request.


The attribute in the configured User model that serves as its primary key.

Default is id.


The attribute in the configured User model that serves as its human-readable display name.

This value will be included when email messages are sent.

Default is name.


The attribute in the configured User model that serves as its email address.

This value will be included when email messages are sent.

Default is email.


Determines whether the name of the application reported in the message can be overridden by a request input value with the name of application_name.

If this is set to true, it can promote the creation of a central support request system that allows the user to pick the application where the issue arose, for example. If the request value does not exist, the value of the app.name configuration entry will be used instead.

Default value is false.


Boolean that describes whether the submitter should receive a copy of the message that was sent.

Default is false.


Determines the type of feedback email message that will be sent. Valid values are text and html.

Default value is text.


Determines the type of support request email message that will be sent. Valid values are text and html.

Default value is text.


MySQL database support is enabled by default so you will need to have a valid database connection. Database support can be disabled by setting this value to false. This package can still perform the sending of email messages even with database support disabled.

The database tables where the feedback and support submissions will be stored is determined by the published models.

The migrations must be run prior to any database queries.

Default is true.


In all cases for the routes exposed by the package, you are free to modify the path of the route but keep these two constraints in mind:

  1. Please do not modify the HTTP method of the routes unless you are also planning to modify the published views.
  2. Please do not modify the route names since both the underlying controller functionality as well as the published views use them.

Display Feedback Form

  • Path: /feedback
  • HTTP method: GET
  • Route name: feedback.create

Process Feedback Form

  • Path: /feedback
  • HTTP method: POST
  • Route name: feedback.store

Display Support Request Form

  • Path: /support
  • HTTP method: GET
  • Route name: support.create

Process Support Request Form

  • Path: /support
  • HTTP method: POST
  • Route name: support.store


There are two migrations that are included with this package. They are intended to store information about the feedback and support request submissions that have been received from the application.

The name of the application from which the message was submitted as well as the ID of the authenticated user are stored in both cases as well.

You are also not required to use these migrations. The associated models can be pointed at any database table as long as they match the same structure.

Feedback Submissions

Table name is feedback_submissions.

  • submission_id: auto-incrementing integer primary key
  • application_name: nullable name of the application from where the message was submitted; defaults to the value of the app.name config element
  • user_id: ID of the authenticated user that submitted the message
  • content: body text of the feedback message
  • created_at: timestamp describing when the message was sent
  • updated_at: nullable timestamp describing when the message was updated, if at all

Support Request Submissions

Table name is support_submissions.

  • submission_id: auto-incrementing integer primary key
  • application_name: nullable name of the application from where the message was submitted; defaults to the value of the app.name config element
  • user_id: ID of the authenticated user that submitted the message
  • impact: the impact of the issue resulting in the request (could be low, medium, or high for example)
  • content: body text of the support request message
  • created_at: timestamp describing when the message was sent
  • updated_at: nullable timestamp describing when the message was updated, if at all


The models that will be used to store the feedback and support request submissions can be configured in the published config/support.php file within the database.models section.

Exceptions will be thrown if the models cannot be found when used in the controllers. However, the email messages themselves will still go out.

The tables and primary keys of each model can also be configured from within the models themselves.

Feedback Submissions

The full namespace to the model is CSUNMetaLab\Support\Models\FeedbackSubmission.

  • Table: feedback_submissions
  • Primary key: submission_id
  • Fillable: application_name, user_id, content

The exception that may be thrown is an instance of CSUNMetaLab\Support\Exceptions\FeedbackModelNotFoundException.

Support Request Submissions

The full namespace to the model is CSUNMetaLab\Support\Models\Supportubmission.

  • Table: support_submissions
  • Primary key: submission_id
  • Fillable: application_name, user_id, impact, content

The exception that may be thrown is an instance of CSUNMetaLab\Support\Exceptions\SupportModelNotFoundException.

Custom Messages

The custom messages for this package can be found in resources/lang/en/support.php by default. The messages can also be overridden as needed.

You may also translate the messages in that file to other languages to promote localization, as well.

The package reads from this file (using the configured localization) for all messages it must display to the user or write to any logs.

Custom Form Requests

The controllers leverage custom form request classes in order to accept and process the input. Each form request exposes custom validation rules and error messages.

Feedback Form Request

This class is namespaced as CSUNMetaLab\Support\Http\Requests\FeedbackFormRequest.

Most of the data required for processing will be added by the matching controller so there are not many validation rules for this request.

Validation Rules

  • content.required: the content field must have a non-null value in the request

Validation Messages

  • support.errors.v.feedback.content.required: the content field has no input

Support Form Request

This class is namespaced as CSUNMetaLab\Support\Http\Requests\SupportFormRequest.

Validation Rules

  • impact.required: the impact field must have a non-null value in the request
  • impact.in: the value of the impact field be within the array values in the impact key within config/support.php
  • content.required: the content field must have a non-null value in the request

Validation Messages

  • support.errors.v.support.impact.required: the impact field has no input
  • support.errors.v.support.impact.in: the value of the impact field is invalid
  • support.errors.v.support.content.required: the content field has no input

Sending Mail

The feedback and support request messages will be sent differently depending on the version of Laravel in which the package has been installed.

In all cases, however, the messages will always request to be queued so this functionality can be used in conjunction with some kind of Laravel queue if necessary.

Custom Mailable Instances

Please note that the custom queueable instances of Illuminate\Mail\Mailable will only be used if that class exists.

Therefore, these instances will only be used in Laravel 5.3 and above.

Feedback Mailable

This class is namespaced as CSUNMetaLab\Support\Mail\FeedbackMailMessage.

When building this mailable, the emails.feedback view will be used inside of the resources/views/vendor/support directory.

The following variables are exposed to the view via public properties in the class:

  • $submitter_name: the name of the individual submitting the message
  • $submitter_email: the email address of the individual submitting the message
  • $application_name: the name of the application from where the message is being submitted
  • $content: the body content of the message

Support Request Mailable

This class is namespaced as CSUNMetaLab\Support\Mail\SupportMailMessage.

When building this mailable, the emails.support view will be used inside of the resources/views/vendor/support directory.

The following variables are exposed to the view via public properties in the class:

  • $submitter_name: the name of the individual submitting the message
  • $submitter_email: the email address of the individual submitting the message
  • $application_name: the name of the application from where the message is being submitted
  • $impact: the impact of the issue that resulted in the support request
  • $content: the body content of the message

Mail Facade Fallback

The Mail facade will be used in conjunction with its queue() method in Laravel 5.0 - 5.2 since the concept of mailables did not yet exist.


Feedback Controller

This class is namespaced as CSUNMetaLab\Support\Http\Controllers\FeedbackController.

Showing the Feedback Form

The create() method shows the feedback.blade.php view inside of the resources/views/vendor/support/forms directory.

Processing the Feedback Data

The store() method performs the following steps to process the feedback submission:

  1. Checks for a valid sender address. If one does not exist, an instance of CSUNMetaLab\Support\Exceptions\InvalidFeedbackSenderException will be thrown.
  2. Resolves the ID, name, and email address of the currently-authenticated user dynamically.
  3. Makes a decision based upon whether the Illuminate\Mail\Mailable class exists.
    • If the class exists, it resolves an instance of the feedback mailable and uses that to send the message.
    • If the class does not exist, the Mail facade is used directly to send the message.
  4. Sends the feedback email message to the desired recipient(s)
  5. If database support is enabled, it performs the following steps:
    1. Checks for a valid feedback submission model. If the model does not exist, an instance of CSUNMetaLab\Support\Exceptions\FeedbackModelNotFoundException will be thrown.
    2. Invokes the create() method on the model to save the submitted data to the database
  6. Redirects back using the redirect()->back() method and adds a flash message called success that represents the text of the success message.

Support Request Controller

Showing the Support Request Form

The create() method shows the support.blade.php view inside of the resources/views/vendor/support/forms directory.

Processing the Support Request Data

The store() method performs the following steps to process the support request submission:

  1. Checks for a valid sender address. If one does not exist, an instance of CSUNMetaLab\Support\Exceptions\InvalidSupportSenderException will be thrown.
  2. Resolves the ID, name, and email address of the currently-authenticated user dynamically.
  3. Makes a decision based upon whether the Illuminate\Mail\Mailable class exists.
    • If the class exists, it resolves an instance of the support request mailable and uses that to send the message.
    • If the class does not exist, the Mail facade is used directly to send the message.
  4. Sends the support request message to the desired recipient(s)
  5. If database support is enabled, it performs the following steps:
    1. Checks for a valid support submission model. If the model does not exist, an instance of CSUNMetaLab\Support\Exceptions\SupportModelNotFoundException will be thrown.
    2. Invokes the create() method on the model to save the submitted data to the database
  6. Redirects back using the redirect()->back() method and adds a flash message called success that represents the text of the success message.




The template for the feedback email exists as feedback.blade.php within the resources/views/vendor/support/emails directory. The following variables are exposed to the view by either a mailable or the direct invocation of methods on the Mail facade:

  • $submitter_name: the name of the individual submitting the message
  • $submitter_email: the email address of the individual submitting the message
  • $application_name: the name of the application from where the message is being submitted
  • $content: the body content of the message

The template is structured as merely a text-based template (there is no HTML in it by default) to promote the ability to send to some kind of automated issue tracking system. You are free to modify the template however you wish, of course.

Support Request

The template for the feedback email exists as support.blade.php within the resources/views/vendor/support/emails directory. The following variables are exposed to the view by either a mailable or the direct invocation of methods on the Mail facade:

  • $submitter_name: the name of the individual submitting the message
  • $submitter_email: the email address of the individual submitting the message
  • $application_name: the name of the application from where the message is being submitted
  • $impact: the impact of the issue that resulted in the support request
  • $content: the body content of the message

The template is structured as merely a text-based template (there is no HTML in it by default) to promote the ability to send to some kind of automated issue tracking system. You are free to modify the template however you wish, of course.



The template for the feedback form exists as feedback.blade.php within the resources/views/vendor/support/forms directory. The following variables are exposed to the view by the matching controller:

  • $submitter_name: the name of the individual submitting the message
  • $submitter_email: the email address of the individual submitting the message
  • $application_name: the name of the application from where the message is being submitted

The template is structured as a raw HTML document using Bootstrap 4. You are free to modify the template to match your application, of course.

Support Request

The template for the support request form exists as support.blade.php within the resources/views/vendor/support/forms directory. The following variables are exposed to the view by the matching controller:

  • $submitter_name: the name of the individual submitting the message
  • $submitter_email: the email address of the individual submitting the message
  • $application_name: the name of the application from where the message is being submitted
  • $impact: the associative array of impacts that allows the individual to describe the severity of the problem

The template is structured as a raw HTML document using Bootstrap 4. You are free to modify the template to match your application, of course.


Mail Documentation

Queue Documentation

Localization Documentation

Form Request Validation Documentation