
Keeping time series data in relational databases

v0.2.1 2025-01-22 22:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 22:14:52 UTC


Simple PHP package for keeping time series data in relational databases.

"For if all you have is a MySQL instance, everything looks like relational data."

Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. Automated tests


This library is used to store meteorolgical time series measured at weather stations for the api.existenz.ch project. It is a simple and lightweight solution for storing time series data in a relational database.

First create some locations with createLocation('locationname'), then some parameters with createParameter('parametername', 'unit').

Insert values with insertValue('locationname', 'parametername', $timestamp, $value).

Retrieve values with getValues() or getLatestValues() and you will get a \cstuder\ParseValueholder\Row filled with \cstuder\ParseValueholder\Value objects:



    Value {
        location => 'locationname',
        parameter => 'parametername',
        timestamp => 1234567890,
        value => '1.23'

Setup database

The package uses a connection to a MySQL compatible database (using MyTS::MyTSMySQLFactory or MyTS::MyTSFromDSNFactory) and a timeseries name to create four tables:

  • myts_timeseriesname_loc for locations and their metadata
  • myts_timeseriesname_par for parameters, their unit and metadata
  • myts_timeseriesname_val for values
  • myts_timeseriesname_latest for latest values
  • Optional: myts_timeseriesname_view with an aggregated view

The values default to to the type FLOAT, but can be changed to any other time at the time of creation with createDatabaseTables().

First create some locations with createLocation('locationname'), then some parameters with createParameter('parametername', 'unit'). Both methods accept an optional key-value array which is serialized into the database.

To update a location or parameter, simply call createLocation() or createParameter() again with the same name and updated metadata. You cannot change the name of a location or parameter.

Insert values

Insert values with insertValue('locationname', 'parametername', $timestamp, $value). The timestamp is a Unix timestamp. Location and parameter names are case sensitive. The method will return true if successful. It will throw an exception if the insertion fails (I.e. if the location or parameter doesn't exist). Set the last parameter to true fail silently and just return false.

To update a previous values, the same insertValue() method can be used.

The convenience methods insertValueObject() and insertValueRow() can be used to insert values from a Value object or a Row object respectively.

Retrieve values

Use getValues() to retrieve values from the timeseries. The method accepts optional start and end times. Filtering by locations and parameters is also available (By default unknown location or parameter names will be ignored, but this can by changed by setting the parameter $failSilenty to false).

If no location and/or parameter names are given, all locations and/or parameters respectively will be returned.

For quickly retrieving the latest values, use getLatestValues(). It accepts optional location and parameter names.

Data is returned as a \cstuder\ParseValueholder\Row which is filled by an array of \cstuder\ParseValueholder\Value objects:



    Value {
        location => 'locationname',
        parameter => 'parametername',
        timestamp => 1234567890,
        value => '1.23'


The method deleteValuesOlderThan() indiscriminately deletes all values older than a given timestamp. Use with caution.


  • Location and parameter names are case sensitive and can only be 128 characters long.
  • There is no bulk insert (Which would be much faster when importing large datasets).
  • It could work with other database engines (MariaDB etc.) too, but is not tested. (Uses the PDO library internally.)
  • Databases typically return all fields as strings in PHP.


Sample usage code (Runnable version in sample_usage.php)

// Connection: Timeseries name, server, user, password, database, optional port (Default: 3306)
$myTS = MyTS::MyTSMySQLFactory('test', 'localhost', 'testuser', 'testpassword', 'testdb');

// Create database tables (Only if they don't exist yet), plus an additional info view
$myTS->createDatabaseTables('DECIMAL(8,2)', true);

// Create locations with optional metadata
$myTS->createLocation('there', ['where' => 'exactly there']);

// Update locations with metadata
$myTS->createLocation('here', ['where' => 'not there']);

// Show locations

// Create parameters with optional units and optional metadata
$myTS->createParameter('bbb', 'potatoes');
$myTS->createParameter('ccc', NULL, ['si' => FALSE]);

// Update parameter
$myTS->createParameter('ccc', 'kg', ['si' => TRUE]);

// Show parameters

// Insert values (Location and parameters are case sensitive)
$myTS->insertValue('here', 'aaa', strtotime('2018-01-01 00:00:00'), 1);
$myTS->insertValue('here', 'aaa', strtotime('2018-01-01 00:04:00'), -3);
$myTS->insertValue('here', 'aaa', strtotime('2018-01-01 00:02:00'), 1.567);
$myTS->insertValue('here', 'aaa', strtotime('2018-01-01 00:03:00'), 1.56789);
$myTS->insertValue('here', 'aaa', strtotime('2018-01-01 00:01:00'), 1.5);
$myTS->insertValue('there', 'bbb', strtotime('2018-01-01 00:01:00'), 1.51);
$myTS->insertValue('there', 'aaa', strtotime('2018-01-01 00:01:00'), 1.49);

// Update values
$myTS->insertValue('here', 'aaa', strtotime('2018-01-01 00:00:00'), -1);

// Insert value in unknown location/parameter silently
var_dump($myTS->insertValue('xxyyzz', 'xxyyzz', strtotime('2018-01-01 00:00:00'), 1, true));

// Insert value in unknown location/parameter noisily
try {
    $myTS->insertValue('xxyyzz', 'xxyyzz', strtotime('2018-01-01 00:00:00'), 1, false);
} catch (Exception $e) {

// Get all values in this timeseries

// Get subset of values
var_dump($myTS->getValues(null, null, 'here'));
var_dump($myTS->getValues(null, null, 'asbasdf')); // Unknown location, fails silently

// Get latest values

// Get subset of latest values
var_dump($myTS->getLatestValues(null, 'bbb'));
var_dump($myTS->getLatestValues('asbasdf')); // Unknown location, fails silently


composer require cstuder/myts


composer run test

Requires a running MySQL compatible database on localhost/ with the following credentials: testuser, testpassword, testdb.

Can be overwritten by a valid DSN including username and password in the environment variable MYTS_DSN, for example:



See CHANGELOG.md for the release history.

  1. Add changes to the changelog.
  2. Create a new tag vX.X.X.
  3. Push.
