
Wordpress deployer recipes

0.1.0 2017-03-22 13:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 19:52:38 UTC


For the record, those recipes was written using a personal Wordpress stack based on Bedrock (Thanks to the great roots.io team), using phpdotenv package. But it can be used in many other configuration .


  • Deploy repository code with gulp compiled files
  • Sync Wordpress uploads
  • Pull and push Wordpress database
  • Clean up some files



Make sure to include recipe files in your deploy.php:

require 'vendor/cstaelen/deployer-wp-recipes/recipes/assets.php';
require 'vendor/cstaelen/deployer-wp-recipes/recipes/cleanup.php';
require 'vendor/cstaelen/deployer-wp-recipes/recipes/db.php';
require 'vendor/cstaelen/deployer-wp-recipes/recipes/uploads.php';


Just add those lines below in your deploy.php with your own values :

set('wp-recipes', [
    'theme_name'        => 'Your WP theme folder name',
    'theme_dir'         => 'path/to/your/theme/folder',
    'theme_dist'        => 'theme_release', // Will be rename with theme_name
    'wwwroot_dir'       => 'web', //VHOST ROOT DIR
    'shared_dir'        => '{{deploy_path}}/shared', 
    'gulp_cmd'          => 'gulp build',
    'assets_dist'       => 'path/to/theme/folder/dist',
    'local_wp_url'      => 'http://local.dev',
    'remote_wp_url'     => 'http://mywebsite.com',
    'clean_after_deploy'=>  [

##Available tasks

Upload your WP database : dep db:push prod Download your WP database : dep db:pull prod Sync WP uploads with rsync : dep uploads:sync prod

You can also use those rules below in your deploy.php file to compile and deploy assets and cleanup some useless files on your staging/production server :

after('deploy', 'deploy:assets');
after('deploy', 'deploy:cleanup');

WP recipes using phpdotenv

If you are using phpdotenv to configure your servers as the awesome Bedrock Wordpress Stack do, you can use those task rules below to grab WP_HOME value filled in your .env file.

before('db:cmd:pull', 'env:uri');
before('db:cmd:push', 'env:uri');

In order to do that, we assume your local .env file is in the root project folder, and the remote one in the repo shared folder.

Make sure to leave empty those config values :

set('wp-recipes', [
    'local_wp_url'      => '',
    'remote_wp_url'     => ''