
This package provides a collection of useful laravel blade directives.

1.0.0 2021-07-14 20:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-15 03:07:33 UTC


This package provides a collection of useful laravel blade directives.


You can install the package via composer:

$ composer require cssjockey/laravel-directives

Optional: The service provider will automatically get registered. Or you may manually add the service provider in your config/app.php file:

'providers' => [
    // ...



Fetch any model by ID to display any data from result.


This will fetch the User with ID 1 and renders the email address.


Renders the value of an array and supports array dot notation.


example with simple array:

@arraydata(['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2']|'key1')

Output: value1
@arraydata(['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2']|'key2')

Output: value2

example with multi-dimensional array:

$data = [
    'parent' => [
        'child' => 'child value',
        'child2' => [
            'key' => 'child2 key value'

Output: {"child":"child value","child2":{"key":"child2 key value"}}

This will return JSON string as the values is array.

Supports dot notation.


Output (String): child value

Output (String): child2 key value

@code | @code ... @endcode

Renders the content in <pre> tag.

example of inline code

@code('<div>Hello world</div>')

Output: <div>hello world</div>

example with multi-line code block

    <a href="#">Click me</a>

Output: is wrapped in <pre> tag
    <a href="#">Click me</a>


Die and dump, renders only if APP_ENV is set to local.


@dd('die and dump here')

Output: "die and dump here"


Dump, die and debug, renders only if APP_ENV is set to local.


@ddd("Dump, Die, Debug")


Inline dump, renders only if APP_ENV is set to local.


@ddd("Dump this inline")

@haserror | @haserror ... @endhaserror

Output content for $errors->has('input_name') to determine if any error message found for the given input field.

@haserror('name'|"Message or class name goes here.")

Output (String): Message or class name goes here.
You can display any text or html here if any error message exists for input field name.

@instanceof ... @endinstanceof

Quickly check if first parameter is an instance of second parameter.

Yes $user is an instance of '\App\Models\User'

@typeof ... @endtypeof

Quickly check if the parameter is a specific type.

$variable = 'a valid string';

Yes $variable type is string.

$variable = ['valid' => 'array'];

Yes $variable type is array.

@istrue | @istrue ... @endistrue

Display content if variable of condition is true.

$var1 = 'one';
$var2 = 'one';
$true = ($var1 === $var2);
@istrue($true|"Display this content")
@istrue($var1 === $var2|"Yes it is")
Display this line

@istrue($var1 === $var2)
Yes the condition is true

@isfalse | @isfalse ... @endisfalse

Display content if variable of condition is false.

$var1 = 'one';
$var2 = 'two';
$false = ($var1 === $var2);
@isfalse($false|"Display this content")
@isfalse($var1 === $var2|"No it is not")
Display this line

@isfalse($var1 === $var2)
No the condition is not true

@isnull | @isnull ... @endisnull

Display content only if variable is NULL.

$variable = null;
@isnull($null_variable|"yes it is null")

Yes variable is null

@isnotnull | @isnotnull ... @endisnotnull

Display content only if variable is NOT NULL.

$variable = 'something other than null';
@isnotnull($variable|"yes variable is not null")

Yes variable is not null

@isuser | @isuser ... @endisuser

Display content only if the user is logged in.

@isuser("Yes user is logged in!")

Yes user is logged in!

@isguest | @isguest ... @endisguest

Display content only if the user is not logged in.

@isguest("Show this line to the guest!")

Show this content to the guest!

@routeis | @routeis ... @endrouteis

Show content only if current route matches the first parameter.

@routeis("route.name.here"|"show this content")

show this content

@routeisnot | @routeisnot ... @endrouteisnot

Show content only if current route does not match the first parameter.

@routeisnot("route.name.here"|"show this content")

show this content

@repeat ... @endrepeat

Repeat any content specified number of times.

<div class="">Repeat this content</div>

@script | @script ... @endscript

Create a script element or include a javascript file.


console.log('I run from this directive')

@style | @style ... @endstyle

Create a style element or include a javastyle file.


body{ overflow: hidden }


Bind attributes to any html tag.

<div @tagattributes(['id' => 'some-id', 'class' => 'css-class', 'data-item' => 'value'])>
content goes here.

<div id="some-id" class="css-class" data-item="value">
    content goes here.


Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


  • Add more free icons to the package.
  • Create an artisan command to optimize all the SVG files.


Please see contributing for details.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email admin@cssjockey.com instead of using the issue tracker.


Mohit Aneja All Contributors


MIT Please see the license for more information.