
A small vanilla php ics link generator

1.0.0 2023-09-05 11:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-05 13:07:18 UTC


This project creates all kind of ics/event urls for different platforms, like Outlook + mobile, Office 365 + mobile, Google, Yahoo and AOL.


composer require crusherrl/ics-link-generator


use CrusherRL\IcsLinksGenerator;

// ...

$start = '2023-08-15 15:00:00'; // required
$end = '2023-08-15 16:30:00'; // required
$summary = 'summaryHey!'; // optional
$location = 'locationHey!'; // optional
$description = 'descriptionHey!'; // optional
$allDay = 'false'; // optional - NOTE: it should be true or false as string, since we urlencode this, it would be converted to 0 (false) or 1 (true)

// Building base for the generator

$generator = new IcsLinksGenerator($start, $end, $summary, $location, $description, $allDay);
// OR
$generator = IcsLinksGenerator::make(['DTSTART' => $start, 'DTEND' => $end]);

// Actual Generating the urls
// Generating all possible urls
$urls = $generator->generate();

// Generating only specific urls
$urls = $generator->generateSpecific(['yahoo', 'aol', 'outlook_mobile']);


After generating the urls, we receive those kind of arrays.


Example of all urls

Example of specific urls - serialized


Example of all urls

Example of specific urls

Format output

If needed you can change the labels, before generating the urls. Just simply setLabels which you want to change.

use CrusherRL\IcsLinksGenerator;

// ...

$generator->setLabels(['outlook' => '']);

Our output will change from this:

  "outlook": {
    "client": "outlook",
    "label": "Outlook",
    "url": "https:\/\/\/calendar\/0\/action\/compose?&allday=false&body=&enddt=2023-08-15T16%3A30%3A00&location=&path=%2Fcalendar%2Faction%2Fcompose&rru=addevent&startdt=2023-08-15T15%3A00%3A00&subject="

to this:

  "outlook": {
    "client": "outlook",
    "label": "",
    "url": "https:\/\/\/calendar\/0\/action\/compose?&allday=false&body=&enddt=2023-08-15T16%3A30%3A00&location=&path=%2Fcalendar%2Faction%2Fcompose&rru=addevent&startdt=2023-08-15T15%3A00%3A00&subject="

Generating url.

In case you need to generate 1 or 2 urls without serialization. This is how you do it.

use CrusherRL\IcsLinksGenerator;

// ...

// Actual Generating the urls
// Generating all possible urls
$urls = $generator->generate(false);

// Generating only specific urls
$urls = $generator->generateSpecific(['yahoo', 'aol', 'outlook_mobile'], false);

// OR you can get url only like this
$aol = $generator->makeAOLUrl();
$yahoo = $generator->makeYahooUrl();
$google = $generator->makeGoogleUrl();
$office = $generator->makeOfficeUrl();
$officeMobile = $generator->makeOfficeMobileUrl();
$outlook = $generator->makeOutlookUrl();
$outlookMobile = $generator->makeOutlookMobileUrl();

How to contribute

  • clone the repo
  • on composer.json of a laravel nova application add the following:

    "require" {
        "crusherrl/ics-link-generator: "*"

    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../path_to_your_package_folder"
  • run composer update crusherrl/ics-link-generator

You're now ready to start contributing!