
A password hash class

v1.0 2016-12-05 17:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-09 13:58:39 UTC


Crudle\Phash provides a convenient wrapper class for the native password_hash functions. The primary benefit of this is the ability to remain object oriented.


composer require crudle/phash


The simplest usage of PasswordHash is indeed that; simple!

$hash = new PasswordHash('mypassword');

The string 'mypassword' will be hashed and stored in the object. If you provide an already hashed string, the value will just be stored and no hashing will occur.

// This works too! This is the hash that was generated from 'mypassword'
$hash = new PasswordHash('$2y$10$F4L/hmnkYOSvGqU0tI4DuuszxFarOedNQA1Ws.ZHwKcRLmUlWaDTW');

Once you've created the PasswordHash object (either from a raw password or a hashed string), you can perform all the native operations on it:

$hash = new PasswordHash('$2y$10$F4L/hmnkYOSvGqU0tI4DuuszxFarOedNQA1Ws.ZHwKcRLmUlWaDTW');
$hash->verify('mypassword'); // Throws an InvalidPasswordException if validation fails

Retrieving the hash

Hashing a password is pretty useless unless we can store it for later validation. Thankfully, we can just cast the object to a string and we'll get our hash.

$passwordHash = new PasswordHash('mypassword');
$hash = (string) $passwordHash;

Extra config

By default, the package uses the PASSWORD_DEFAULT hashing algorithm. If you want to change that, or any hashing options, you can provide a custom Config object to the PasswordHash constructor.

$config = new Config(PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => 12]);
$hash = new PasswordHash('mypassword', $config);

Available methods

$hash->verify('mypassword'); // throws InvalidPasswordException
$hash->needsRehash(); // throws HashValidationException
$hash->getInfo(); // returns an array of config info
$hash->__toString(); // returns the hash string