
Auto Ajax form submission for Laravel or plain PHP

2.0.11 2025-02-13 12:55 UTC


PHP library manages HTTP responses for javascript library autoAjax.js. Package is designed for cooperaton of Laravel/PHP with VueJs/PlainJS form submissions and automatic form validation management received from validated response.


This is part of package is for implementation on PHP/Laravel side of application. More for JavaScript/VueJs part of this package on autoAjax.js


  • automatically builds request data from form inputs.
  • automatically bind validation error messages to each input from Laravel validation
  • VueJs integration
  • PlainJs integration

Composer installation

composer require "crudadmin/autoajax"


In Laravel controller response

public function store()

    return autoAjax()->success('Thank you! Your for has been successfully sent.');

If you need throw error message. You need use throw() or render() method.


//Script dies here
autoAjax()->success('Thank you! Your for has been successfully sent.')->throw();



//Success messages.
autoAjax()->success('Success message');
autoAjax()->message('Success message');
autoAjax()->save(); //Global success message will be applied.

//Error messages
autoAjax()->error('Error message with 200 HTTP code');
autoAjax()->error('Error message with 500 HTTP code', 500);
autoAjax()->error('Error message with 500 HTTP code')->code(500);
autoAjax()->error(); //Global error message will be applied.

//Change title of response
autoAjax()->message('Success message')->title('My response title');
autoAjax()->error('Error message')->title('My response title');

//Change HTTP code
autoAjax()->message('My message')->code(500);

//If you want redirect/reload request after response comes. (autoAjax.js will handle it)

//If you need run own JS callback after response
autoAjax()->title('This is my message')->callback('alert(1)');

//If you want modify all success/error messages globally. You can do it in AppServiceProvider or somewhere else in your app configuration like that.
autoAjax()->setGlobalMessage('success', 'Changes has been successfully saved.');
autoAjax()->setGlobalMessage('error', 'Something went wrong. Try again later.');

JSON Response

  callback: null,
  data: [],
  error: false,
  message: "Custom message",
  redirect: null,
  title: "Success",
  type: "message",

callback - Javascript callback for autoAjax library

data - Array of additional data for autoAjax library and your responses in VueJs or PlainJs application

error - Is response error type?

message - Message output.

redirect - URL where should be user redirected after response request. AutoAjax.js will handle it.

title - Your custom title for modals message.

type - Message or modal. You can customize your response for alert messages or for modal windows.

Validation response

You can throw validation response with Laravel validator

Validator::make($request->all(), [
    'title' => 'required|unique:posts|max:255',
    'body' => 'required',

You can also throw validation message by your own with throwValidation method

    'username' => 'Validation message for username',
    'password' => 'Validation message for password',

Or manualy send JSON request with error code 422 Unprocessable Entity

    "email": ["Please fill this field."],
    "phone": ["Please fill this field."]