crow / laravel-email-template
Laravel email template
- php: >=8.2
- laravel/framework: >=11.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-13 14:37:16 UTC
- command for sync email templates table in database
- all email templates in seeder file
- global and personal variables for each email template
- storage location of your choice (in blade templates or database)
- text for custom variables via lexicon file
- wrapper template for all email templates (blade)
Open file bootstrap/providers.php and connect the provider from the package (optional, using laravel discovered package system by default)
2. Run commands
For creating config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Crow\LaravelEmailTemplate\Providers\EmailTemplateServiceProvider" --tag=config
For creating lexicon file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Crow\LaravelEmailTemplate\Providers\EmailTemplateServiceProvider" --tag=lang
For creating migration file
php artisan email:template:publish --tag=migration
For generate table
php artisan migrate
Next steps install
1. Create seeder file if not exists for email templates.
In the created seed file, you need to add a static method (for example, public static function data()
The method must return an array of standard to fill the database
2. Open config file config/email_template.php
and add this class and method in exists parameters
'data' => [
'class' => \Database\Seeders\EmailTemplateTableSeeder::class,
'method' => 'data',
3 Example content seeder file database/seeders/EmailTemplateTableSeeder.php
namespace Database\Seeders;
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
class EmailTemplateTableSeeder extends Seeder
public static function data(): array
return [
'id' => 1,
'type' => 'user_registration',
'title' => 'title 1',
'subject' => 'subject 1',
'body' => 'body 1',
'is_active' => true,
'created_at' => '2021-01-05 15:00:00',
'updated_at' => '2021-01-05 15:00:00',
'id' => 2,
'type' => 'user_activate',
'title' => 'title 2',
'subject' => 'subject 2',
'body' => 'body 2',
'is_active' => true,
'created_at' => '2021-01-05 15:00:00',
'updated_at' => '2021-01-05 15:00:00',
Command for sync email templates
php artisan email:template:sync
Eloquent model for use.
You can use helper \Crow\LaravelEmailTemplate\Helpers\EmailTemplateHelper
or service \Crow\LaravelEmailTemplate\Services\EmailTemplateService
further we will use the variable $emailTemplate as a model of Email Template
Email template parse short codes
$emailTemplate = \Crow\LaravelEmailTemplate\Models\EmailTemplate::query()->where('type', '=', 'user_registration')->first();
$variables = ['var1' => 'content 1']; // variable list
$wrapper = true; // (optional, default: true) use wrapper for email template
$withCopy = true; // (optional, default: true) use copy email template for render
$emailTemplate = EmailTemplateHelper::render($emailTemplate, $variables, $wrapper, $withCopy);
return $emailTemplate;
Reset config to default
Override email template wrapper
Blade template are used
The procedure of adding new common variable
Variables will be valid in all email templates
- Open file config/email_template.php and add custom variable in section variables - global, example:
'variables' => [
'global' => [
'site_name' => \App\CustomEmailTemplateVariableSiteName::class,
- Create class \App\CustomEmailTemplateVariableSiteName
- The class must be an implementation of the interface Crow\LaravelEmailTemplate\EmailTemplateVariableInterface
- The class must contain a public method content(EmailTemplate $emailTemplate): ?string
Full example file
namespace App;
use Crow\LaravelEmailTemplate\EmailTemplateVariableInterface;
use Crow\LaravelEmailTemplate\Models\EmailTemplate;
class CustomEmailTemplateVariableSiteName implements EmailTemplateVariableInterface
public function content(EmailTemplate $emailTemplate): ?string
return 'site name';
Procedure for adding template variable descriptions (optional)
These lists do not affect the variables used in templates, this may only be required to display a list of available variables for a specific email template type.
- Open file config/email_template.php and add custom variable in section variables - type, example:
'type' => [
'user_registration' => [
- Add text for variables in to lexicon file lang/LANG_KEY/email_template.php, section variables - common or variables - type
- Get a list of variables for a specific email template
$emailTemplate = \Crow\LaravelEmailTemplate\Models\EmailTemplate::query()->where('type', '=', 'user_registration')->first();
$emailTemplate->variables; // Collection