
There is no license information available for the latest version (2.1.0) of this package.

2.1.0 2024-05-20 13:01 UTC



Package can be installed on a Laravel Project via composer.

composer require creode/laravel-image-optimiser


This package utilises the Intervention Image Library behind the scenes and attempts to keep up to date with it. The following table shows the versions of the package and the versions of the Intervention Image Library that they use.


The package can be configured by publishing the config file.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="image-optimiser-config"

This will create a new file in your config directory called image-optimiser.php. This file contains all the configuration options for the package.


This package aims to expose a simple route that allows you to optimise images on the fly. The route is /image/{preset} and will return the optimised image. The url/path of the image will be passed to the optimiser as a query parameter.

Rendering the image

In order to render the optimised image inside of a blade template, you can use the following code:

{{ route('optimise-image', ['preset' => 'large', 'url' => $media->url]) }}


In order to save on processing for each image, the package will cache the optimised image. The cache is stored in Laravel's cache system and the lifetime can be configured in the image-optimiser.php config file. The cache is stored for 1 year by default. Passing null as the cache lifetime will disable the cache.


The package is designed to be extended to allow for different optimisation methods to be created and used. To do this you need to create a new class that implements the Modules\ImageOptimiser\app\Concerns\OptimiserInterface interface. This interface has only a single optimise method to be implemented.

Once that has been done, you just need to publish configuration for the package and update the image-optimiser.php config option to point to your new class.

Alternatively, you can override the optimiser service in the image-optimiser.php config file and point it to your new class.

$this->app->singleton('optimiser', function () {
    return new MyNewOptimiserClass();