
This package is for communicating with API

dev-main 2022-02-09 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-07 15:04:16 UTC


This package is for communicating with CREDO RESTful API. Credo

Having other resource point available on CREDO API, Resources like;

  • Transaction
  • 3D Secure Payment via Card
  • Verify Card Number
  • Direct Card Charges
  • and many more

Just to name a few, it is only the Transaction Resource that is made available currently in this package. Development is ongoing while releases are Stable.


  • Curl


Via Composer

$ composer require credoteam/credo:dev-main

If you use a Framework, check your documentation for how vendor packages are autoloaded else Add this to the top of your source file;

require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

Making Transactions/Recieving Payment

Starting Up Credo Transaction

use Credoteam\Credo\Transaction;
use Credoteam\Credo\Helpers\Debugger;
use Credoteam\Credo\Helpers\Requesters;

$publicKey =  "pk_demo-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx-d";
$secretKey = "sk_demo-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx-d";

// creating the transaction object
$Transaction = new Transaction( $publicKey );

Initializing Transaction

Set data/payload/requestBody to post with initialize request. Minimum required data are email and amount.

// Set data to post using array
$data = [
  "amount"=> 3000,
  "currency"=> "NGN",
  "redirectUrl"=> "http://localhost:8080/test-credo/welcome/",
  "transRef"=> "748rbrio4823ruoqedb9h4378e", //you can send your transaction ref or allow Credo generate for you
  "paymentOptions"=> "CARD",
  "customerEmail"=> "",
  "customerName"=> "Adie Godswill",
  "customerPhoneNo"=> "09021960905"

$response = $Transaction->initialize($data);

If you want to get the 200OK raw Object as it is sent by Credo, Set the 2nd argument of the initialize() to true, example below

// Set data to post using this method
$response =
            ->setEmail( '' )
            ->setAmount( 23000 )
            ->initialize([], true);

Now do a redirect to payment page (using redirectUrl)
NOTE: Recommended to Debug $response or check if redirectUrl is set, and save your Transaction reference code. useful to verify Transaction status

// recommend to save Transaction reference in database and do a redirect
$transRef = $response->transRef;
// redirect

Using a Framework? It is recommended you use the reverse routing/redirection functions provided by your Framework

Verifying Transaction

It is also imperative that you create Transaction Object once more.
This method would return the Transaction Object but false if saved $transRef is not passed in as argument and also cant be guessed. Using verify() would require you do a manual check on the response Object

// creating the transaction object
$Transaction = new Transaction( $secretKey );

// Set data to post using this method
$response = $Transaction->verify($transRef);

// Debuging the $response
Debugger::print_r( $response);


// This method does the check for you and return `(bool) true|false`
$response = $Transaction->isSuccessful();

The two methods above try to guess your Transaction $transRef but it is highly recommended you pass the Transaction $transRef as an argument on the method as follows

// This method does the check for you and return `(bool) true|false`
$response = $Transaction->isSuccessful($transRef);

Direct Card Charge

Set data/payload/requestBody to post with direct charge request.

// Set data to post using array
$data = [
  "orderAmount" => 400,
  "orderCurrency" => "NGN",
  "cardNumber" => 4242424242424242,
  "expiryMonth" => 1,
  "expiryYear" => 22,
  "securityCode" => 439,
  "transRef" => "748rbri4823ruoqedb9h435",
	"customerEmail" => "",
	"customerName" => "Adie Godswill",
	"customerPhoneNo" => "09021960905"

// creating the transaction object
$Transaction = new Transaction( $secretKey );

// Set data to post using this method
$response = $Transaction->direct_charge($data);

Verify Card Number

Set data/payload/requestBody to post with verifying a card number request.

// Set data to post using array
$data = [
 	"cardNumber" => 4242424242424242,
 	"orderCurrency" => "NGN",
  "paymentSlug" => "pIEiYn8xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

// creating the transaction object
$Transaction = new Transaction( $secretKey );

// Set data to post using this method
$response = $Transaction->verify_card_number($data);

3D Secure Payment via Card

Set data/payload/requestBody to post with performing a 3D Secure payment request.

// Set data to post using array
$data = [
  "amount" => 4500,
  "currency" => "NGN",
  "redirectUrl" => "http://localhost/go",
  "transRef" => "748389842939e3",
  "paymentOptions" => "CARD",
  "customerEmail" => "",
  "customerName" => "Adie Godswill",
  "customerPhoneNo" => "09021960905"

// creating the transaction object
$Transaction = new Transaction( $secretKey );

// Set data to post using this method
$response = $Transaction->payment_3ds($data);


If you seem to understand the architecture, you are welcome to fork and pull else you can wait a bit more till when we provide convention documentation.
