
This module adds DataObjects to frontend search

1.0 2018-02-13 19:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 06:40:59 UTC


Searchable DataObjects is a module that permit to include DataObjects into frontend search.


Pages are not always the better way to implement things. For example site news can grow rapidly and the first side effect would be a big and difficult to manage SiteTree. DataObjects help maintaining things clean and straight, but unfortunately they are not included in frontend search. This module let you insert DataObject in search.


  • SilverStripe 3.2.*
  • zirak/htmlpurifier


Install the module through composer:

composer require zirak/searchable-dataobjects
composer update

Make the DataObject (or Pages) implement Searchable interface (you need to implement Link(), getSearchFilter(), getTitleFields(), getContentFields()):

Note: getSearchFilterByCallback() is an optional filter. If you don't plan on calculating any value to determine a returned true or false value it is suggested you don't add this function to your DataObject or Page type.

class DoNews extends DataObject implements Searchable {

    private static $db = array(
        'Title' => 'Varchar',
        'Subtitle' => 'Varchar',
        'News' => 'HTMLText',
        'Date' => 'Date',
    private static $has_one = array(
        'Page' => 'PghNews'

     * Link to this DO
     * @return string
    public function Link() {
        return $this->Page()->Link() . 'read/' . $this->ID;

     * Filter array
     * eg. array('Disabled' => 0);
     * @return array
    public static function getSearchFilter() {
        return array();

     * FilterAny array (optional)
     * eg. array('Disabled' => 0, 'Override' => 1);
     * @return array
    public static function getSearchFilterAny() {
        return array();

     * FilterByCallback function (optional)
     * eg. function($object){
     *  return ($object->StartDate > date('Y-m-d') || $object->isStillRecurring());
     * };
     * @return array
    public static function getSearchFilterByCallback() {
        return function($object){ return true; };

     * Fields that compose the Title
     * eg. array('Title', 'Subtitle');
     * @return array
    public function getTitleFields() {
        return array('Title');

     * Fields that compose the Content
     * eg. array('Teaser', 'Content');
     * @return array
    public function getContentFields() {
        return array('Subtitle', 'Content');

Here you are a sample page holder, needed to implement the Link() function into the DataObject:

class PghNews extends Page {

    private static $has_many = array(
        'News' => 'DoNews'

    public function getCMSFields() {
        $fields = parent::getCMSFields();

        /* News */
        $gridFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create(100);
        // Remove unlink
        // Add delete
        $gridFieldConfig->addComponents(new GridFieldDeleteAction());
        // Remove autocompleter
        $field = new GridField('Faq', 'Faq', $this->News(), $gridFieldConfig);
        $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.News', $field);

        return $fields;

class PghNews_Controller extends Page_Controller {

    private static $allowed_actions = array(

    public function read(SS_HTTPRequest $request) {
        $arguments = $request->allParams();
        $id = $arguments['ID'];

        // Identifico la faq dall'ID
        $Object = DataObject::get_by_id('DoNews', $id);

        if ($Object) {
            //Popolo l'array con il DataObject da visualizzare
            $Data = array($Object->class => $Object);
            $this->data()->Title = $Object->Title;

            $retVal = $this->Customise($Data);
            return $retVal;
        } else {
            //Not found
            return $this->httpError(404, 'Not found');

Extend Page and the desired DataObjects through the following yaml:

    - SearchableDataObject
    - SearchableDataObject

Run a dev/build and then populate the search table running PopulateSearch task:

sake dev/build "flush=all"
sake dev/tasks/PopulateSearch

Enjoy the news into the search results :)


Set the number of search results per page

Setting the CustomSearch.items_per_page config setting you can define, how many search results per page are shown. Default is 10

By default the search result is shown at the same page, so if you're searching e.g. on the /about-us/, the results are shown on /about-us/SearchForm/?s=foo. If you don't like that, you can define any Page or Controller class in the CustomSearch.search_controller setting. If you set this setting to this, the current page will be used. Defaults to SearchPage and falls back to the current page if no SearchPage is found.

  items_per_page: 15
  search_controller: SearchPage #page type to show the search


  • Add other search method in configuration

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