
A PHP ZendFramework 2.0 (ZF2) - Google ReCAPTCHA Adapter

dev-master 2016-09-16 06:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-08 18:16:22 UTC


A PHP ZF2 - ReCAPTCHA Adapter (Google)

This recaptcha class is used as an adapter to ZF2 default CAPTCHA form element. It provides both form validation and element view rendering.

Two major inputs are a public key and a private key. The public key is the site key, while the private key is the secret. Both keys are acquired from Google.

An example code is as below:

        $reCaptcha = new CDReCaptcha(); // This recaptcha class (CDReCaptcha is an alias to ReCaptcha)
        $captchaElement = new Captcha('g-recaptcha-response');

(The $captchaElement is then added to a form object)

If you need assistance or further improvement of this package, feel free to email me at