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Using the push API from Coveo with PHP

1.7.2 2023-11-08 06:55 UTC


The Coveo Experimental Push API for PHP is meant to help you use the Coveo Push API when coding in PHP.

⚠️ Experimental, use at your own risk.

This repository is shared to be helpful and for informational purposes (not officially supported, not for production use).
For assistance, refrain from contacting Coveo support and use Github issues instead.

Remark: This is an experimental repository and no support is given, use at own risk.

This includes the following features:

  • Document validation before they are pushed to the plaform
  • Source update status before and after a document update
  • Automatic push of large files to the platform through an Amazon S3 container

For code examples on how to use, see the examples section.


Make sure you have git installed.

Then, in your command prompt, enter the following command:

pip install git+

Including the package in Your Code

Simply add the following lines into your project:

use Coveo\Search\SDK\SDKPushPHP\Push;
use Coveo\Search\SDK\SDKPushPHP\PushType;
use Coveo\Search\SDK\SDKPushPHP\Document;


Before pushing a document to a Coveo Cloud organization, you need to ensure that you have a Coveo Cloud organization, and that this organization has a Push source.

Once you have those prerequisites, you need to get your Organization Id, Source Id, and API Key. For more information on how to do that, see Push API Tutorial 1 - Managing Shared Content.

You must also create fields and mappings for each metadata you will be sending with your documents. Otherwise, some of the data you push might get ignored by Coveo Cloud. To learn how to create fields and mappings in Coveo Cloud, see Add/Edit a Field: [FieldName] - Panel and Edit the Mappings of a Source: [SourceName].

Pushing Documents

The Coveo Push API supports two methods for pushing data: sending a single document, or sending batches of documents.

Unless you are only sending one document, you should always be sending your documents in batches.

Push vs Stream API

For normal Push sources, use the default Push call. If you have a Catalog source (For Ecommerce): use the Stream API calls. How? When creating the Push class, use the following syntax:

Full Catalog indexing:

$pushtype = PushType::STREAM;
$push = new Push($sourceId, $orgId, $apiKey, $endpoint, NULL, $pushtype);

Partial Catalog indexing:

$pushtype = PushType::UPDATE_STREAM;
$push = new Push($sourceId, $orgId, $apiKey, NULL, NULL, $pushtype);

Using a different endpoint

If there is the need to use a different endpoint. For example EU datacenter:

$endpoint = "";
$pushtype = PushType::UPDATE_STREAM;
$push = new Push($sourceId, $orgId, $apiKey, $endpoint, NULL, $pushtype);

Pushing a Single Document

You should only use this method when you want to add or update a single document. Pushing several documents using this method may lead to the 429 - Too Many Requests response from the Coveo platform.

Before pushing your document, you should specify the Source Id, Organization Id, and Api Key to use.

$push = new Push($sourceId, $orgId, $apiKey);

You can then create a document with the appropriate options, as such:

// Create a document
$mydoc = new Document("");
// Set plain text
// Set FileExtension
$mydoc->FileExtension = ".html";
// Add Metadata
$mydoc->AddMetadata("connectortype", "CSV");
$authors = array();
// rssauthors should be set as a multi-value field in your Coveo Cloud organization
$mydoc->AddMetadata("rssauthors", $authors);
// Set the Title
$mydoc->Title = "THIS IS A TEST";
// Set permissions
$user_email = "";
// Create a permission identity
$myperm = new PermissionIdentity(PermissionIdentityType::User, "", $user_email);
// Set the permissions on the document
$allowAnonymous = True;
$mydoc->SetAllowedAndDeniedPermissions(array($myperm), array(), $allowAnonymous);

The above will create a document with the https://myreference&id=TESTME URI. It will then set its document text to the value for SetData, and add its appropriate metadata.

Once the document is ready, you can push it to your index with the following line:


A full example would look like this:

use Coveo\Search\SDK\SDKPushPHP\Push;
use Coveo\Search\SDK\SDKPushPHP\PushType;
use Coveo\Search\SDK\SDKPushPHP\Document;

//Reads the $sourceId, $orgId, and $apiKey

// Setup the push client
$push = new Push($sourceId, $orgId, $apiKey);
// Get a first Ordering Id
$startOrderingId = $push->CreateOrderingId();

// Create a document
$mydoc = new Document("");
// Set plain text
// Set FileExtension
$mydoc->FileExtension = ".html";
// Add Metadata
$mydoc->AddMetadata("connectortype", "CSV");
$authors = array();
// rssauthors should be set as a multi-value field in your Coveo Cloud organization
$mydoc->AddMetadata("rssauthors", $authors);
// Set the Title
$mydoc->Title = "THIS IS A TEST";
// Set permissions
$user_email = "";
// Create a permission identity
$myperm = new PermissionIdentity(PermissionIdentityType::User, "", $user_email);
// Set the permissions on the document
$allowAnonymous = True;
$mydoc->SetAllowedAndDeniedPermissions(array($myperm), array(), $allowAnonymous);

// Push the document

// Delete older documents

Pushing Batches of Documents

This SDK offers a convenient way to send batches of documents to the Coveo Cloud platform. Using this method, you ensure that your documents do not get throttled when being sent to Coveo Cloud.

As with the previous call, you must first specify your Source Id, Organization Id, and API Key.

$push = new Push($sourceId, $orgId, $apiKey);

You must then start the batch operation, as well as set the maximum size for each batch. If you do not set a maximum size for your request, it will default to 256 Mb. The size is set in bytes.

// Start the batch
$push->Start($updateSourceStatus, $deleteOlder);
// Set the maximum

The updateSourceStatus option ensures that the source is set to Rebuild while documents are being pushed, while the deleteOlder option deletes the documents that were already in your source prior to the new documents you are pushing.

You can then start adding documents to your source, using the Add command, as such:

$push->Add(createDoc('/testfiles/Large1.pptx', '1'));

For the sake of simplicity, a createDoc function is assumed to exist. This function returns documents formatted the same way the mydoc element was formatted in the single document example.

The Add command checks if the total size of the documents for the current batch does not exceed the maximum size. When it does, it initiates a file upload to Amazon S3, and then pushes this data to Coveo Cloud through the Push API.

If you want to use memory consumption checks, set the setMaxMemoryPercentage to a value higher than 0. When the available memory for the PHP process exceeds maximum set it will start pushing the batch.

Finally, once you are done adding your documents, you should always end the batch operation. This way, the remaining documents will be pushed to the platform, the source status of your Push source will be set back to Idle, and old documents will be removed from your source.

The following example demonstrates how to do that.

// Setup the push client
$push = new Push($sourceId, $orgId, $apiKey);
// Start the batch
$push->Start($updateSourceStatus, $deleteOlder);
// Set the maximum

$push->Add(createDoc('/testfiles/Large1.pptx', '1'));
$push->Add(createDoc('/testfiles/Large2.pptx', '1'));
$push->Add(createDoc('/testfiles/Large1.pptx', '2'));
$push->Add(createDoc('/testfiles/Large2.pptx', '2'));
$push->Add(createDoc('/testfiles/Large1.pptx', '3'));
$push->Add(createDoc('/testfiles/Large2.pptx', '3'));
$push->Add(createDoc('/testfiles/Large1.pptx', '4'));
$push->Add(createDoc('/testfiles/Large2.pptx', '4'));
$push->Add(createDoc('/testfiles/Large1.pptx', '5'));
$push->Add(createDoc('/testfiles/Large2.pptx', '5'));

# End the Push
$push->End($updateSourceStatus, $deleteOlder);

Adding Securities to Your Documents

In Coveo, you can add securities to documents, so only allowed users or groups can view the document. This SDK allows you to add security provider information with your documents while pushing them. To learn how to format your permissions, see Push API Tutorial 2 - Managing Secured Content.

You should first define your security provider, as such:

// First, define a name for your Security Provider
$mysecprovidername = "MySecurityProviderTest"

// Then, define the cascading security provider information
$cascading = array(
    "Email Security Provider"=> array(
        "name"=> "Email Security Provider",
        "type"=> "EMAIL"));

// Finally, create the provider
$push->AddSecurityProvider($mysecprovidername, "EXPANDED", $cascading);

The AddSecurityProvider command automatically associates your current source with the newly created security provider.

Once the security provider is created, you can use it to set permissions on your documents.

The folling example adds a simple permission set:

// Set permissions
$user_email = "";
// Create a permission identity
$myperm = new PermissionIdentity(PermissionIdentityType::User, "", $user_email);
// Set the permissions on the document
$allowAnonymous = True;
$mydoc->SetAllowedAndDeniedPermissions(array($myperm), array(), $allowAnonymous);

The following example incorporates more complex permission sets to your document, in which users can have access to a document either because they are given access individually, or because they belong to a group who has access to the document. This example also includes users who are specifically denied access to the document.

Finally, this example includes two permissions levels. The first permission level has precedence over the second permission level; a user allowed access to a document in the first permission level but denied in the second level will still have access to the document. However, users that are specifically denied access will still not be able to access the document.

// Define a list of users that should have access to the document.
$users = array("Wim","Peter");

// Define a list of users that should not have access to the document.
$deniedusers = array("Alex","Anne");

// Define a list of groups that should have access to the document.
$groups = array("HR","RD","SALES");

// Create the permission Levels. Each level can include multiple sets.
$permLevel1 = new DocumentPermissionLevel('First');
$permLevel1Set1 = new DocumentPermissionSet('1Set1');
$permLevel1Set2 = new DocumentPermissionSet('1Set2');
$permLevel1Set1->AllowAnonymous = False;
$permLevel1Set2->AllowAnonymous = False;
$permLevel2 = new DocumentPermissionLevel('Second');
$permLevel2Set = new DocumentPermissionSet('2Set1');
$permLevel2Set->AllowAnonymous = False;

// Set the allowed permissions for the first set of the first level
foreach ($users as $user) {
    // Create the permission identity
    new PermissionIdentity($GUSER, $mysecprovidername, $user));

// Set the denied permissions for the second set of the first level
foreach ($deniedusers as $user) {
  // Create the permission identity
  new PermissionIdentity($GUSER, $mysecprovidername, $user));

// Set the allowed permissions for the first set of the second level
foreach ($groups as $group) {
  // Create the permission identity
  new PermissionIdentity($GGROUP, $mysecprovidername, $group));

// Set the permission sets to the appropriate level

// Set the permissions on the document
array_push($mydoc->Permissions, $permLevel1);
array_push($mydoc->Permissions, $permLevel2);

Securities are created using permission levels, which can hold multiple PermissionSets (see Complex Permission Model Definition Example).

Setting securities with a custom security provider also requires that you inform the index of which members and user mappings are available. You would normally do that after the indexing process is complete.

Adding Security Expansion

A batch call is also available for securities.

To do so, you must first start the security expansion, as such:


Any group you have defined in your security must then be properly expanded, as such:

// group memberships for: HR, RD
foreach ($groups as $group) {
    // for each group set the users
    $members = array();
    foreach ($usersingroup as $user) {
        // Create a permission Identity
          new PermissionIdentityExpansion($GUSER, $mysecprovidername, $user));
      new PermissionIdentityExpansion($GGROUP, $mysecprovidername, $group), $members, array(), array());

For each identity, you also need to map it to the email security provider:

foreach ($users as $user) {
    // Create a permission Identity
    $mappings = array();
    array_push($mappings,new PermissionIdentityExpansion($GUSER, "Email Security Provider", $user . ""));

    $wellknowns = array();
    array_push($wellknowns, new PermissionIdentityExpansion($GGROUP, $mysecprovidername, "Everyone"));

      new PermissionIdentityExpansion($GUSER, $mysecprovidername, $user), array(), $mappings, $wellknowns);

As with the previous batch call, you must remember to end the call, as such:


This way, you ensure that the remaining identities are properly sent to the Coveo Platform.

After the next Security Permission update cycle, the securities will be updated (see Refresh a Security Identity Provider).


If you want to test, you could use XAMPP to start your local webserver. Create a new directory under: \htdocs\ Inside your brand new directory install: composer require coveo/sdkpushphp This will install all the dependencies. Now use the files from the examples directory to start testing. You might need to start your file with:

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Coveo\Search\SDK\SDKPushPHP\Push;
use Coveo\Search\SDK\SDKPushPHP\Document;



Feb 2021:

  • First release

Dec 2021:

  • Anca improved the code a lot!!

Feb 2022:

  • Support of Stream API

Nov 2023:

  • Added SetAllowAnonymous on PermissionSet
  • Added sleep on put/post
  • Fixed empty array in AddPermissionExpansion
  • Fixed AddJSON logger
  • Fixed AddSingleDocument
  • Fixed Attempts doPost doPut
  • Fixed Retry mechanism with check on false
  • Fixed totalSize when doc to large
  • Added Memory checks. Using function SetMaxMemoryPercentage(int $p_Max) you can set an additional check if the PHP process takes to much memory it will start pushing contents earlier than the treshold


