
Useful features for Symfony, Doctrine, Twig etc.

2.0.0 2019-07-17 02:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 17:19:45 UTC


Useful features for Symfony, Doctrine, Twig etc.


Easy way to start debug with RunnerCommand

If you are using PhpStorm, then an easy way to use this feature is to create an external tool (File-> Settings-> Tools-> External Tools) with parameters:

  • Name: Runner
  • Program: /usr/bin/php
  • Arguments: -d xdebug.remote_autostart=1 -d xdebug.remote_enable=1 bin/console symfony-common:runner $FilePath$ $LineNumber$
  • Working Directory: $ProjectFileDir$

After that, select Tools -> External Tools -> Runner - the command will try to execute a function or method from where the cursor is currently located.
At this point, execution will not automatically stop at the specified location - you must manually set a breakpoint.


Extra DBAL events

Cosmologist\Bundle\SymfonyCommonBundle\Doctrine\ExtraConnection is Doctrine DBAL-connection wrapper that add useful features and methods to DBAL.


Add the wrapper_class parameter to the Doctrine DBAL connection configuration in config.yml to use:

    driver: pdo_mysql
    dbname: ~
    user: ~
    password: ~
    host: ~
    wrapper_class: \Cosmologist\Bundle\SymfonyCommonBundle\Doctrine\ExtraConnection

Additional DBAL-events

postBeginTransaction, postCommit, postRollback

Helper methods

Connection::fetchAllIndexed prepares and executes an SQL query and returns the result as an associative array, each row in the result set array is indexed by the value of the first column.

$connection->fetchAllIndexed('SELECT id, name FROM users');
// 1  => [id: 1, name: Ivan]
// 7  => [id: 7, name: Vasiliy]
// ...

Doctrine Utils

Get Doctrine utils

$utils = $container->get(Cosmologist\Bundle\SymfonyCommonBundle\Doctrine\DoctrineUtils::class);
// or
$utils = $container->get('symfony_common.doctrine.utils');

Get real class of Doctrine entity (resolve entity proxy class)
Supports Doctrine < 3.x and Doctrine > 3.x

$entity = $entityManager->find(App\Entity\Foo::class, $identifier);
DoctrineUtils::getRealClass($entity); \\ "App\Entity\Foo"
DoctrineUtils::getRealClass(App\Entity\Foo::class); \\ "App\Entity\Foo"

Simple way to get doctrine entity metadata


Get the target class name of the given association path (ie "contact.user") recursively

$doctrineUtils->getAssociationTargetClassRecursive('AppBundle/Entity/Company', 'contact.user'); // 'AppBundle/Entity/User'

Get entity identifier field name (does not support multiple identifiers - throws DoctrineUtilsException)


Get entity identifier value (does not support multiple identifiers - throws DoctrineUtilsException)


Determine if the object or FQCN is a Doctrine entity (under Doctrine control) or not


Get the readable alias for the doctrine entity

$this->getEntityAlias(FooBundle\Entity\Bar\Baz::class); // ''
$this->decodeEntityAlias(''); // 'FooBundle\Entity\Bar\Baz'

Perform recursively join operation of the given association path (ie "contact.user.type")

$qb = $entityManager->getRepository(Company::class)->createQueryBuilder('company');

# Recursive joins
DoctrineUtils::joinRecursive($qb, 'contact.user.type');
// equivalent to
  ->join('', 'contact')
  ->join('contact.user', 'user')
  ->join('user.type', 'type');

Attention: method doesn't care about alias uniqueness

Add a join to the query once

// Adds join and returns an alias of added join
DoctrineUtils::joinOnce($qb, 'contact.user', 'u1'); // "u1"

// If a join with specified parameters exists then only returns an alias of existed join 
DoctrineUtils::joinOnce($qb, 'contact.user', 'u2'); // "u1"

Merge multiple Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria into a one Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria

$resultCriteria = DoctrineUtils::mergeCriteria($firstCriteria, $secondCriteria); 


Forwards to another URI.
Like Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller::forward, but using URI.

$utils = $container->get('symfony_common.routing.utils');

// or


Command for interactive setup ACLs and ACEs

bin/console symfony-common:acl:set


Cosmologist\Bundle\SymfonyCommonBundle\Security\Voter\SuperUserRoleVoter adds a special role "ROLE_SUPER_USER" which effectively bypasses any, and all security checks.

The service Crypto

The service Crypto provides functions for the simple symmetric encryption.
The framework.secret used as a key to encryption.

$crypto = $container->get(Cosmologist\Bundle\SymfonyCommonBundle\Security\Crypto::class);
$crypto->decrypt($crypto->encrypt('The sensitive string')); // 'The sensitive string'

Dependency Injection

Convenient way to get a Reference to a Doctrine DBAL connection

DependencyInjectionUtils::getDoctrineDbalConnectionReference('default'); // doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Convenient way to get a Reference to a Doctrine EntityManager

DependencyInjectionUtils::getDoctrineOrmEntityManagerReference('default'); // doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Store key as attribute in configuration

Useful for:

  • to simplify your configuration
  • to avoid problem of losing the key when you merge config across files (Symfony Issue #29817)


# AppBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration.php
use Cosmologist\Bundle\SymfonyCommonBundle\DependencyInjection\DependencyInjectionUtils;

Config like this:

       username: userA
       password: passwordA
       username: userB
       password: passwordB

comes out like:

servers [
   serverA => [username: userA, password: passwordA, server: serverA],
   serverB => [username: userB, password: passwordB, server: serverB],


A convenient way to dynamically access symfony services.

Call Symfony services over HTTP

Include routing.yml
# app/config/routing.yml
  resource: "@SymfonyCommonBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
  prefix:   /admin
Send POST-request

URL example:

  • /bridge is a ServiceBridge route suffix
  • (or MyBundle\Foo) is a service name
  • process is service method name

Method arguments must be passed as POST parameters. ServiceBridge automatically fetches a Doctrine entity if the method expects an argument of the entity (the hint type of the argument).

The method arguments should be passed as POST-parameters.
ServiceBridge fetch entity from Doctrine automatically, by the identifier from request, if method expects entity argument (argument type-hint).

Caution: Use security access_control option to restrict access to the service controller.

Return types to response types map
  • array|object -> json
  • binary string -> response with content-disposition=attachment and binary content-type
  • another scalar -> simple response

Static access to the service container from anywhere

use Cosmologist\Bundle\SymfonyCommonBundle\DependencyInjection\ContainerStatic;



Pagination template (Bootstrap friendly)

{% include '@SymfonyCommon/pagination.html.twig' with { page: current_page, count: items_total, limit: items_per_page } %}

{# Parameters:
   * page (int) : The current page you are in
   * limit (int): Number of records to display per page
   * count (int): Total count of records
   * currentFilters (array)(optional) : associative array that contains route-arguments #}

Inject any callable to the Twig

# app/config/config.yml
          - strip_tags # register php "strip_tags" function as twig "strip_tags" filter
            foo_bar: # register static method MyApp\Foo::bar as twig filter "foo_bar"
                  - MyApp\Foo
                  - bar
          - time # register php "time" function as twig "time" function

See also: umpirsky/twig-php-function


Monolog activation strategy for Symfony 3.x to skip the 404 HttpException records.

Monolog NotFoundActivationStrategy (activation_strategy, excluded_404s and excluded_http_codes options) does not work in Symfony 3.0 as currently monolog-bundle injects a reference to request from the service container into the NotFoundActivationStrategy.


  • Other HTTP-codes support
  • Configure default actionLevel value via Configuration


      type:                fingers_crossed
      handler:             grouped
       activation_strategy: symfony_common.monolog.fingers_crossed.ignore_http_not_found_activation_strategy


Add the specified HTTP-header to the prepared BrowserKit request

use Cosmologist\Bundle\SymfonyCommonBundle\BrowserKit\BrowserKitUtils;

/** @var \Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\Client $cient */

BrowserKitUtils::addHeader($client, 'header-name', 'header-value');

Dump configuration files for external related applications

Useful when you want to deduplicate application parameters (like db-connections, paths etc) and store related external applications configurations (backup-systems, crontab etc) inside the project.


Configuration for abstract backup-system

Configuration file template:

# app/config/external/dist/backup.yml.twig
        {{ name }}
        {{ user }}
        {{ password }}
    compress: yes
    sync-to: amazon-s3

Define parameters for dist:

# app/config/config.yml
            name: '%doctrine.connection.default.database_name%'
            user: '%doctrine.connection.default.database_user%'
            password: '%doctrine.connection.default.database_password%'

Run dumper:

php app/console symfony-common:external-config:dump superbackup backup.yml.twig --env=prod --no-debug

And config should be dumped to app/cache/prod/external_config/backup.yml (without .twig extension)