
Laravel Model (generator, constants, preserved lines, phpdoc)

1.1.2 2018-04-25 17:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 22:12:11 UTC


Versioning for this package follows Backwards compatibility might break on upgrade to major versions.

Connects to your existing database and auto-generates models based on existing schema.

  • Support for multiple connections.
  • Support for auto-completion via magic properties (phpdoc).
  • Support for custom methods (preserved lines).
  • Support for guarded fields.
  • Support for custom "extends".
  • Support for extra field-attributes after magic properties.
  • Support for building constants in model.
  • Support for custom "indent".
  • Support for preserving $timestamps value.
  • Support for column of type "enum" (mapped to string).

Note: Generating a model that already exists will overwrite existing model, but every line below "preserve" identifier, will be preserved.


Run "composer require corex/lmodel --dev".

Add a configuration-file config/corex/lmodel.php and add following code to it. Modify it to suit your needs.

return [
    'path' => base_path('app/Models'),
    'namespace' => 'App\Models',
    'addConnection' => true,
    'extends' => \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::class,
    'indent' => "\t",
    'length' => 120,
    'const' => [
        '{connection}' => [
            '{table}' => [
                'id' => '{id}',
                'name' => '{name}',
                'prefix' => '{prefix}',
                'suffix' => '{suffix}',
                'replace' => [
                    'XXXX' => 'YYYY',

Note: old config/corex.php is still supported but not recommended.


  • path - where models are saved.
  • namespace - namespace of models.
  • addConnection - true/false if name of database-connection should be applied to namespace/directory. Name will automatically be converted to PascalCase.
  • extends - Class to extend.
  • indent - (optional) String to use as indent i.e. "\t". Default 4 spaces.
  • length - (optional) Length of line before linebreak. Used in tables with many fields.
  • const - (optional) This section is used to specify connections and tables which should contains constants from content of table.
  • {connection} - (optional) Name of connection.
  • {table} - (optional) Name of table.
  • {id} - (required) Name of field to get value of constant.
  • {name} - (required) Name of field to get name of constant.
  • {prefix} - (optional) Prefix to add to each name of constant.
  • {suffix} - (optional) Suffix to add to each name of constant.
  • replace - (optional) Values to replace in name of constant.

To register it and make sure you have this option available for development only, add following code to AppServiceProviders@register method.

if ($this->app->environment() == 'local') {


php artisan help make:models


  • connection: Name of connection to generate models from. It will be added to namespace/path for separation of models per connection. It is possible to disable this by setting addConnection to false. Specify "." to generate from default connection.
  • tables: Comma separated table names to generate. Specify "." to generate all.


  • guarded: Comma separated list of guarded fields.


Generated model from table status with config.


namespace App\Models\Test;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

 * @property integer $id [TYPE=INTEGER, NULLABLE=0, DEFAULT=""]
 * @property string $name [TYPE=STRING, NULLABLE=0, DEFAULT=""]
 * @property string $value [TYPE=STRING, NULLABLE=0, DEFAULT=""]
class Status extends Model
    // Constants.
    const CONSTANT1 = 1;
    const CONSTANT2 = 2;
    const CONSTANT3 = 3;
    const CONSTANT4 = 4;

    // Attributes.
    public $timestamps = false;
    protected $connection = 'mysql';
    protected $table = 'status';
    protected $fillable = ['id', 'name', 'value'];
    protected $guarded = [];

    /* ---- Everything after this line will be preserved. ---- */

     * Preserve this method.
     * @return string
    public function preserveThisMethod()
        return 'preserved';