
view renderer for slim3 with very straightforward and simple (yet still customisable) theme/layout/templates structure

v1.1.6 2016-09-30 07:05 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:31:38 UTC


Build Status

View renderer for slim3 with very straightforward and simple (yet still customisable) theme/layout/templates structure.

This also works with any PSR-7 compliant response objects.



  • php 5.6+
  • composer


composer require coreorm/slim3-view




make sure your themes directory are in the following structure:

├── default
│   └── layouts
│       └── default.phtml
├── theme 1
│   ├── layouts
│   │   └── main.phtml
│   └── views
│       └── index.phtml
  • Layout: layout files are to be placed in <theme name>/layouts/ directory.
  • Note that a default layout is recommended in case a custom layout is not found, it will fall back to the default one.
  • Views: views must be under views, but can be in nested directories, when you need to render it, simply use the relative path against views, e.g. if you have views/foo/bar.phtml, simply call $theme->render($response, 'foo/bar')

Layout template

Layout template must contain a default variable $mainContent in the body so sub templates can appear, e.g.

# file: themes/default/layouts/default.phtml

<body><?php echo $mainContent; ?></body>

Another way to send rendered content to the page is to use $theme->renderView(), e.g.

# in route
$theme->setData('myHeader', $theme->renderView('shared/header'));

# in layout

echo $myHeader

Usage Example (or just open up examples/app/index.php):

  • Use with slim
use \Coreorm\Slim3\Theme;

$app = new Slim\App();

$theme = Theme::instance(__DIR__ . '/../themes', 'example');
// set layout
$theme->setLayout('main')->setData('title', 'Slim 3 View Example');

$app->get('/', function ($request, $response, $args) use ($theme) {
    return $theme->render($response, 'index', [
        'foo' => 'bar'

  • Use with other PSR-7 compliant library
$response = new Response();
$response = Theme::instance('theme-base-dir', 'theme-name')->render($response, 'template-name', [data array]);
echo $response->getBody();


Theme APIs

Theme::instance($templatePath = null, $theme = 'default')

instantiate the theme class: We use a singleton pattern to ensure all shared data are available to each and every template, so simply use:

use \Coreorm\Slim3\Theme;

$theme = Theme::instance('theme base directory', 'layout name');


switch layout: It's possible to switch layout either from the beginning of the code, or inside the routes at run time.

$theme->setLayout('layout name');


$app->get('/', function ($request, $response, $args) use ($theme) {
    return $theme->render($response, 'index', [
        'foo' => 'bar'


switch theme: This will set the current theme to the string value of $theme.

$theme->share($templateRelativePath, $theme)

mark a template from a specific theme as shareable: this will essentially make it a global template to go to when a template with the same name from a different theme is not found.

  • $templateRelativePath the relative path to the template
  • $theme the theme name


$theme->share('views/page1', 'default');

This will mark the page themes/default/views/page1.phtml as the shared view for relative path views/page1, so if say I'm in theme 'new' and I call renderView('page1'), if themes/new/views/page1.phtml doesn't exist, it will use themes/default/views/page1.phtml instead.

$theme->render(ResponseInterface $response, $template, array $data = [], $shouldFallback = false)

render a template plus the layout: This is the final render function you'd want to run in your route/controller, as it renders the give template and assigns it to the $mainContent partial data which in turn will be displayed in the template main body (or wherever you would like to, by calling <?php echo $mainContent; ?>). So it renders template, then layout, and then output to the browser.

  • $shouldFallback - when this is set to true, the system will try to find the fallback template if the given template is not found (see above share API for more details).


$theme->render($response, 'relative path/template name', [partial data], true);

$theme->renderView($template, $data = [], $shouldFallback = true, $reuseHTML = false)

render a template and retrieve the content: This renders a template and will return the html.

$reuseHTML if this is set to true, the given template will render only once, and any future renderView/import calls to this template will reuse the HTML that's rendered from the very first one. Use this for elements that are repeated on the same page with exactly the same HTML source.


$viewSrcHTML = $theme->renderView('relative path/template name', [partial data]);

Template (layout/views) API

$this->import($templateFile, $data = [], $shouldFallback = true, $reuseHTML = false)

import a sub template inside a template This is only available inside the template itself.

In the template code, do:

$this->import('relative path/template name', [partial data]);

Data scope

Global (data available to all templates)

$theme->setData($k, $v) sets data that is available for all templates/layouts;

Private (partial data that will override global data, when used for rendering individual views)

passing partial data to the render/import function will set data that is private to the given template only. e.g. $theme->render($response, 'page', ['foo' => 'bar']) will set the $foo value to 'bar' only for the page template.