
NBA live games API wrapper

1.4 2024-01-23 23:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-11 14:21:18 UTC


A PHP wrapper for accessing the many various NBA API endpoints including live games. This API wrapper formats a lot of the returned data so you only get what you need but also in a handy, easily readable and accessible manner.

Generic badge

Generic badge

Generic badge

Table of contents / index


Install easily with composer:

composer require corbpie/nba-live


Anytime an API call is made you can access debug parameters for the request

$this->url;//The final compiled URL used in the call
$this->response_code;//Returned HTTP response code
$this->response_size;//The size of the response
$this->connect_time;//Time it took to connect
$this->ip;//The IP of the API endpoint that was connected to


$this::CURRENT_SEASON;//Returns current season
$this::PREVIOUS_SEASON;//Returns previous season
$this::CURRENT_TYPE;//Returns current season type

//Mode types

//Game types

Todays games and live

$today = new NBALive\NBAToday();

//Creates the arrays

//Format this data
$formatted = $today->gameFormatter($today->live_games);

Game time seconds formatted (Helper function)

$game_time = new NBALive\NBABase();


  "period": 2,
  "period_string": "Q2",
  "seconds": 800,
  "seconds_period": 80,
  "seconds_period_string": "10:40",
  "full_string": "Q2 10:40"


NBA API Live CDN box score version

$boxscore = new NBALive\NBABoxScore('0022301214');

//Or set game id with
$boxscore->game_id = "0022301214";

//Creates the arrays


$boxscore->sortAsc($boxscore->home_players, 'points');
$boxscore->sortDesc($boxscore->home_players, 'points');

//Get inactive players for both teams

Team example:

  "assists": 12,
  "assistsTurnoverRatio": 0.857142857142857,
  "benchPoints": 23,
  "biggestLead": 0,
  "biggestScoringRun": 9,
  "biggestScoringRunScore": "77-75",
  "blocks": 3,
  "blocksReceived": 2,
  "fastBreakPointsAttempted": 6,
  "fastBreakPointsMade": 3,
  "fastBreakPointsPercentage": 0.5,
  "fieldGoalsAttempted": 59,
  "fieldGoalsEffectiveAdjusted": 0.440677966101695,
  "fieldGoalsMade": 23,
  "fieldGoalsPercentage": 0.38983050847457595,
  "foulsOffensive": 2,
  "foulsDrawn": 22,
  "foulsPersonal": 12,
  "foulsTeam": 10,
  "foulsTechnical": 0,
  "foulsTeamTechnical": 0,
  "freeThrowsAttempted": 26,
  "freeThrowsMade": 23,
  "freeThrowsPercentage": 0.8846153846153839,
  "leadChanges": 0,
  "minutes": "PT165M15.00S",
  "minutesCalculated": "PT165M",
  "points": 75,
  "pointsAgainst": 77,
  "pointsFastBreak": 7,
  "pointsFromTurnovers": 14,
  "pointsInThePaint": 28,
  "pointsInThePaintAttempted": 30,
  "pointsInThePaintMade": 14,
  "pointsInThePaintPercentage": 0.466666666666667,
  "pointsSecondChance": 14,
  "reboundsDefensive": 25,
  "reboundsOffensive": 12,
  "reboundsPersonal": 37,
  "reboundsTeam": 9,
  "reboundsTeamDefensive": 4,
  "reboundsTeamOffensive": 5,
  "reboundsTotal": 46,
  "secondChancePointsAttempted": 12,
  "secondChancePointsMade": 6,
  "secondChancePointsPercentage": 0.5,
  "steals": 3,
  "threePointersAttempted": 22,
  "threePointersMade": 6,
  "threePointersPercentage": 0.272727272727273,
  "timeLeading": "PT00M00.00S",
  "timesTied": 2,
  "trueShootingAttempts": 70.44,
  "trueShootingPercentage": 0.53236797274276,
  "turnovers": 14,
  "turnoversTeam": 0,
  "turnoversTotal": 14,
  "twoPointersAttempted": 37,
  "twoPointersMade": 17,
  "twoPointersPercentage": 0.45945945945946

Play by play

$pbp = new NBALive\NBAPlayByPlay('0022301214');

//Or set game id with
$pbp->game_id = "0022301214";

//Creates the arrays

//Player only plays

//Team only plays

//Get a score line/worm

Play by play V3

$game_id = '0022300372';
$start_qtr = 1;
$end_qtr = 1;

$pbp_v3 = new NBALive\NBAPlayByPlayV3($game_id, $start_qtr, $end_qtr);

//Creates the arrays

//Player only plays

//Team only plays

//Scored only plays

//Get a score streaks for both teams

Play by play V2

$game_id = '0022300372';
$start_qtr = 1;
$end_qtr = 1;

$pbp_v2 = new NBALive\NBAPlayByPlayV2($game_id, $start_qtr, $end_qtr);

//Creates the arrays

//Player only plays

//Team only plays

//Scored only plays

Play by play V1

$game_id = '0022300372';
$start_qtr = 1;
$end_qtr = 1;

$pbp_v1 = new NBALive\NBAPlayByPlayV1($game_id, $start_qtr, $end_qtr);

//Creates the arrays

//Scored only plays

Play by play clips

$game_id = '0022300372';
$event_number = 89;

$play_clip = new NBALive\NBAPlayByPlayClips($game_id, $event_number);

//Creates the arrays

Traditional box score

$bs = new NBALive\NBABoxScoreTraditional();
//Whole game
$bs->game_id = '0022300372';

//Use true to only get home and visit players arrays and return early

//Preset filter (Qtr 4)
$bs->game_id = '0022300372';
$bs->filter = $bs->buildQ4();//buildQ1(), buildQ2(), buildH1() etc.

//Custom filter
$bs->game_id = '0022300372';
$bs->range_type = 1;
$bs->start_period = 4;
$bs->start_range = 0;
$bs->end_range = 28800;
$bs->end_period = 4;
$bs->filter = $bs->build();

//Creates the arrays



$bs->sortAsc($bs->home_players, 'fieldGoalsAttempted');
$bs->sortDesc($bs->home_players, 'fieldGoalsMade');

Defensive box score

$defensive = new NBALive\NBABoxScoreDefensive("0022301203");

//Or set game id with
$defensive->game_id = "0022301203";

//Creates the arrays

Box score matchups

$matchups = new NBALive\NBABoxScoreMatchups("0022301203");

//Or set game id with
$matchups->game_id = "0022301203";

//Creates the arrays

//Get just a certain players matchups

//Get all matchups for a player

Scoring box score

$scoring = new NBALive\NBABoxScoreScoring();
//Whole game
$scoring->game_id = '0022300372';

//Preset filter (Qtr 4)
$scoring->game_id = '0022300372';
$scoring->filter = $bs->buildQ4();//buildQ1(), buildQ2(), buildH1() etc.

//Custom filter
$scoring->game_id = '0022300372';
$scoring->range_type = 1;
$scoring->start_period = 4;
$scoring->start_range = 0;
$scoring->end_range = 28800;
$scoring->end_period = 4;
$scoring->filter = $bs->build();

//Creates the arrays


Misc box score

$misc = new NBALive\NBABoxScoreMisc();
//Whole game
$misc->game_id = '0022300372';

//Preset filter (Qtr 4)
$misc->game_id = '0022300372';
$misc->filter = $bs->buildQ4();//buildQ1(), buildQ2(), buildH1() etc.

//Custom filter
$misc->game_id = '0022300372';
$misc->range_type = 1;
$misc->start_period = 4;
$misc->start_range = 0;
$misc->end_range = 28800;
$misc->end_period = 4;
$misc->filter = $bs->build();

//Creates the arrays


Usage box score

$usage = new NBALive\NBABoxScoreUsage();
//Whole game
$usage->game_id = '0022300372';

//Preset filter (Qtr 4)
$usage->game_id = '0022300372';
$usage->filter = $bs->buildQ4();//buildQ1(), buildQ2(), buildH1() etc.

//Custom filter
$usage->game_id = '0022300372';
$usage->range_type = 1;
$usage->start_period = 4;
$usage->start_range = 0;
$usage->end_range = 28800;
$usage->end_period = 4;
$usage->filter = $bs->build();

//Creates the arrays


4 factors box score

$fourfactors = new NBALive\NBABoxScore4Factors("0022301203");
//Whole game
$fourfactors->game_id = '0022300372';

//Preset filter (Qtr 4)
$fourfactors->game_id = '0022300372';
$fourfactors->filter = $bs->buildQ4();//buildQ1(), buildQ2(), buildH1() etc.

//Custom filter
$fourfactors->game_id = '0022300372';
$fourfactors->range_type = 1;
$fourfactors->start_period = 4;
$fourfactors->start_range = 0;
$fourfactors->end_range = 28800;
$fourfactors->end_period = 4;
$fourfactors->filter = $bs->build();

//Creates the arrays


Advanced box score

$adv = new NBALive\NBABoxScoreAdvanced();
//Whole game
$adv->game_id = '0022300372';

//Preset filter (Qtr 4)
$adv->game_id = '0022300372';
$adv->filter = $bs->buildQ4();//buildQ1(), buildQ2(), buildH1() etc.

//Custom filter
$adv->game_id = '0022300372';
$adv->range_type = 1;
$adv->start_period = 4;
$adv->start_range = 0;
$adv->end_range = 28800;
$adv->end_period = 4;
$adv->filter = $bs->build();

//Creates the arrays


Tracking box score

$tracking = new NBALive\NBABoxScoreTracking();
//Whole game
$tracking->game_id = '0022300372';

//Preset filter (Qtr 4)
$tracking->game_id = '0022300372';
$tracking->filter = $bs->buildQ4();//buildQ1(), buildQ2(), buildH1() etc.

//Custom filter
$tracking->game_id = '0022300372';
$tracking->range_type = 1;
$tracking->start_period = 4;
$tracking->start_range = 0;
$tracking->end_range = 28800;
$tracking->end_period = 4;
$tracking->filter = $bs->build();

//Creates the arrays


Team lineups

$lineups = new NBALive\NBATeamLineups();

$lineups->team_id = 1610612746;
$lineups->season = '2019-20';//Optional if NOT set will just be current season
$lineups->players_amount = 5;

//Creates the array

//Get lineups that contain a certain player only

Team Dash pts shots

$team_shots = new NBALive\NBATeamDashPtShots();

$team_shots->team_id = 1610612746;
$team_shots->season = '2019-20';//Optional if NOT set will just be current season

//Creates the arrays

Game rotations

$rotations = new NBALive\NBARotations("0022301203");

//Or set game id with
$rotations->game_id = "0022301203";

//Creates the array

//Player only rotation

//Team only rotation


    "team_id": 1610612756,
    "team_short": "Suns",
    "player_id": 201142,
    "player_name": "K.Durant",
    "in_period": 1,
    "in": "00:00",
    "in_time_left": "12:00",
    "out_period": 1,
    "out": "09:38",
    "out_time_left": "02:22",
    "total_time": "09:38",
    "pts": 4,
    "pts_diff": -4,
    "usg_pct": 0.174
    "team_id": 1610612756,
    "team_short": "Suns",
    "player_id": 201142,
    "player_name": "K.Durant",
    "in_period": 2,
    "in": "14:50",
    "in_time_left": "09:10",
    "out_period": 3,
    "out": "34:13",
    "out_time_left": "01:47",
    "total_time": "19:23",
    "pts": 17,
    "pts_diff": 12,
    "usg_pct": 0.304
    "team_id": 1610612756,
    "team_short": "Suns",
    "player_id": 201142,
    "player_name": "K.Durant",
    "in_period": 4,
    "in": "38:23",
    "in_time_left": "09:37",
    "out_period": 4,
    "out": "47:52",
    "out_time_left": "00:08",
    "total_time": "09:29",
    "pts": 10,
    "pts_diff": -2,
    "usg_pct": 0.278
    "team_id": 1610612756,
    "team_short": "Suns",
    "player_id": 201142,
    "player_name": "K.Durant",
    "in_period": 4,
    "in": "47:53",
    "in_time_left": "00:07",
    "out_period": 4,
    "out": "48:00",
    "out_time_left": "00:00",
    "total_time": "00:07",
    "pts": 0,
    "pts_diff": 0,
    "usg_pct": 0.5

Team year over year

$team_yoy = new NBALive\NBATeamYearOverYear(1610612746);

//Creates the arrays


$standings = new NBALive\NBAStandings('2023-24');

//Creates the arrays

League game log

$gl = new NBALive\NBALeagueGameLog();

//Creates the array

Team info

$team = new NBALive\NBATeamInfo(1610612746);

//Creates the arrays

Team game logs

$logs = new NBALive\NBATeamGameLogs();
$logs->team_id = 1610612746;
$logs->season = '2023-24';//Optional

//Creates the array

//Last X games
$logs->lastXGames(10);//Last 10 games only

Team franchise players

$players = new NBALive\NBAFranchisePlayers(1610612746);

//Creates the array


$schedule = new NBALive\NBASchedule('2023-12-20');

//Creates the array

//Get tomorrow's games
$tomorrow = (new DateTimeImmutable('tomorrow', new DateTimeZone('America/New_York')))->format('Y-m-d');

$schedule = new NBALive\NBASchedule($tomorrow);

//Get upcoming games for a team in next 7 days
$schedule->upcomingGames(1610612746, 7);


    "game_id": "0022300364",
    "game_sequence": 1,
    "game_status": 1,
    "game_status_text": "7:00 pm ET",
    "game_code": "20231220\/UTACLE",
    "home_tid": 1610612739,
    "away_tid": 1610612762,
    "arena": "Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse",
    "live_period": null,
    "date_time_et": "2023-12-20 19:00:00",
    "date_time_utc": "2023-12-21 00:00:00"
    "game_id": "0022300365",
    "game_sequence": 2,
    "game_status": 1,
    "game_status_text": "7:00 pm ET",
    "game_code": "20231220\/CHAIND",
    "home_tid": 1610612754,
    "away_tid": 1610612766,
    "arena": "Gainbridge Fieldhouse",
    "live_period": null,
    "date_time_et": "2023-12-20 19:00:00",
    "date_time_utc": "2023-12-21 00:00:00"
    "game_id": "0022300366",
    "game_sequence": 3,
    "game_status": 1,
    "game_status_text": "7:00 pm ET",
    "game_code": "20231220\/MIAORL",
    "home_tid": 1610612753,
    "away_tid": 1610612748,
    "arena": "Amway Center",
    "live_period": null,
    "date_time_et": "2023-12-20 19:00:00",
    "date_time_utc": "2023-12-21 00:00:00"
    "game_id": "0022300367",
    "game_sequence": 4,
    "game_status": 1,
    "game_status_text": "7:00 pm ET",
    "game_code": "20231220\/MINPHI",
    "home_tid": 1610612755,
    "away_tid": 1610612750,
    "arena": "Wells Fargo Center",
    "live_period": null,
    "date_time_et": "2023-12-20 19:00:00",
    "date_time_utc": "2023-12-21 00:00:00"
    "game_id": "0022300368",
    "game_sequence": 5,
    "game_status": 1,
    "game_status_text": "7:30 pm ET",
    "game_code": "20231220\/NYKBKN",
    "home_tid": 1610612751,
    "away_tid": 1610612752,
    "arena": "Barclays Center",
    "live_period": null,
    "date_time_et": "2023-12-20 19:30:00",
    "date_time_utc": "2023-12-21 00:30:00"
    "game_id": "0022300369",
    "game_sequence": 6,
    "game_status": 1,
    "game_status_text": "7:30 pm ET",
    "game_code": "20231220\/DENTOR",
    "home_tid": 1610612761,
    "away_tid": 1610612743,
    "arena": "Scotiabank Arena",
    "live_period": null,
    "date_time_et": "2023-12-20 19:30:00",
    "date_time_utc": "2023-12-21 00:30:00"
    "game_id": "0022300370",
    "game_sequence": 7,
    "game_status": 1,
    "game_status_text": "8:00 pm ET",
    "game_code": "20231220\/LALCHI",
    "home_tid": 1610612741,
    "away_tid": 1610612747,
    "arena": "United Center",
    "live_period": null,
    "date_time_et": "2023-12-20 20:00:00",
    "date_time_utc": "2023-12-21 01:00:00"
    "game_id": "0022300371",
    "game_sequence": 8,
    "game_status": 1,
    "game_status_text": "8:00 pm ET",
    "game_code": "20231220\/ATLHOU",
    "home_tid": 1610612745,
    "away_tid": 1610612737,
    "arena": "Toyota Center",
    "live_period": null,
    "date_time_et": "2023-12-20 20:00:00",
    "date_time_utc": "2023-12-21 01:00:00"
    "game_id": "0022300372",
    "game_sequence": 9,
    "game_status": 1,
    "game_status_text": "8:30 pm ET",
    "game_code": "20231220\/LACDAL",
    "home_tid": 1610612742,
    "away_tid": 1610612746,
    "arena": "American Airlines Center",
    "live_period": null,
    "date_time_et": "2023-12-20 20:30:00",
    "date_time_utc": "2023-12-21 01:30:00"
    "game_id": "0022300373",
    "game_sequence": 10,
    "game_status": 1,
    "game_status_text": "10:00 pm ET",
    "game_code": "20231220\/BOSSAC",
    "home_tid": 1610612758,
    "away_tid": 1610612738,
    "arena": "Golden 1 Center",
    "live_period": null,
    "date_time_et": "2023-12-20 22:00:00",
    "date_time_utc": "2023-12-21 03:00:00"

Hustle box score

$hustle = new NBALive\NBABoxScoreHustle("0022301203");

//Or set game id with
$hustle->game_id = "0022301203";

//Creates these arrays

Team array output

  "minutes": "240.000000:00",
  "points": 106,
  "contestedShots": 33,
  "contestedShots2pt": 21,
  "contestedShots3pt": 12,
  "deflections": 17,
  "chargesDrawn": 0,
  "screenAssists": 9,
  "screenAssistPoints": 20,
  "looseBallsRecoveredOffensive": 4,
  "looseBallsRecoveredDefensive": 0,
  "looseBallsRecoveredTotal": 4,
  "offensiveBoxOuts": 2,
  "defensiveBoxOuts": 3,
  "boxOutPlayerTeamRebounds": 5,
  "boxOutPlayerRebounds": 4,
  "boxOuts": 5

Game summary

$sum = new NBALive\NBAGameSummary("0022301203");

//Or set game id with
$sum->game_id = "0022301203";

//Creates these arrays


Output for $sum->away

  "team_id": 1610612756,
  "team_name_short": "PHX",
  "pts_paint": 42,
  "pts_second_chance": 10,
  "pts_fast_break": 27,
  "largest_lead": 3,
  "lead_changes": 14,
  "times_tied": 11,
  "team_turnovers": 2,
  "total_turnovers": 22,
  "team_rebounds": 11,
  "pts_off_to": 25

Team roster

$roster = new NBALive\NBARosters(1610612754, '2014-15');

//Creates the array

League leaders

$stat = 'PTS';
$mode = 'Totals'
$season = '2023-24'
$type = 'Regular+Season'

$ll = new NBALive\NBALeagueLeaders($stat, $mode, $season, $type);

//Creates the array

Player year over year

$yoy = new NBALive\NBAPlayerYearOverYear();
$yoy->player_id = 202331;//Required
$yoy->per_mode = 'PerGame';
//Set this if you want to get a specific season:
$yoy->season = '2019-20';

//Must run fetch()

//Creates the arrays
//For the specific season

Player on off

$on_off = new NBALive\NBATeamPlayerOnOff();
$on_off->team_id = 1610612746;
$on_off->season = '2023-24';

//Must run fetch()

//Creates the arrays

//Get a specific player on and off

//This build and returns:

Output for $on_off->player_only

  "on": {
    "player_id": 202331,
    "player": "George, Paul",
    "team_id": 1610612746,
    "team": "LAC",
    "season": "2023-24",
    "season_type": "Regular Season",
    "per_mode": "Totals",
    "status": "ON",
    "gp": 26,
    "w": 15,
    "l": 11,
    "w_pct": 0.577,
    "min": 899.96,
    "fgm": 826,
    "fga": 1638,
    "fg_pct": 0.504,
    "fg3m": 244,
    "fg3a": 591,
    "fg3_pct": 0.413,
    "ftm": 353,
    "fta": 443,
    "ft_pct": 0.797,
    "oreb": 179,
    "dreb": 635,
    "reb": 814,
    "ast": 504,
    "pf": 363,
    "pfd": 393,
    "stl": 162,
    "tov": 236,
    "blk": 95,
    "blka": 85,
    "pts": 2249,
    "plus_minus": 184,
    "gp_rank": 5,
    "w_rank": 5,
    "l_rank": 18,
    "w_pct_rank": 17,
    "min_rank": 2,
    "fgm_rank": 2,
    "fga_rank": 2,
    "fg_pct_rank": 2,
    "fg3m_rank": 1,
    "fg3a_rank": 2,
    "fg3_pct_rank": 5,
    "ftm_rank": 2,
    "fta_rank": 2,
    "ft_pct_rank": 9,
    "oreb_rank": 2,
    "dreb_rank": 2,
    "reb_rank": 2,
    "ast_rank": 2,
    "pf_rank": 21,
    "pfd_rank": 2,
    "stl_rank": 2,
    "tov_rank": 20,
    "blk_rank": 2,
    "blka_rank": 21,
    "pts_rank": 2,
    "plus_minus_rank": 2
  "off": {
    "player_id": 202331,
    "player": "George, Paul",
    "team_id": 1610612746,
    "team": "LAC",
    "season": "2023-24",
    "season_type": "Regular Season",
    "per_mode": "Totals",
    "status": "OFF",
    "gp": 28,
    "w": 17,
    "l": 11,
    "w_pct": 0.607,
    "min": 449.04,
    "fgm": 370,
    "fga": 822,
    "fg_pct": 0.45,
    "fg3m": 107,
    "fg3a": 327,
    "fg3_pct": 0.327,
    "ftm": 180,
    "fta": 223,
    "ft_pct": 0.807,
    "oreb": 118,
    "dreb": 299,
    "reb": 417,
    "ast": 207,
    "pf": 202,
    "pfd": 175,
    "stl": 72,
    "tov": 135,
    "blk": 55,
    "blka": 46,
    "pts": 1027,
    "plus_minus": -30,
    "gp_rank": 1,
    "w_rank": 1,
    "l_rank": 9,
    "w_pct_rank": 7,
    "min_rank": 16,
    "fgm_rank": 16,
    "fga_rank": 16,
    "fg_pct_rank": 22,
    "fg3m_rank": 17,
    "fg3a_rank": 16,
    "fg3_pct_rank": 22,
    "ftm_rank": 16,
    "fta_rank": 16,
    "ft_pct_rank": 5,
    "oreb_rank": 16,
    "dreb_rank": 16,
    "reb_rank": 16,
    "ast_rank": 16,
    "pf_rank": 7,
    "pfd_rank": 16,
    "stl_rank": 16,
    "tov_rank": 7,
    "blk_rank": 16,
    "blka_rank": 5,
    "pts_rank": 16,
    "plus_minus_rank": 21

Player shooting

$player = new NBALive\NBAPlayerShooting();

//Or set player id with
$player->player_id = 202331;
$player->season = '2019-20';

//Creates the arrays
$player->shot_5ft = [];
$player->shot_8ft = [];
$player->shot_area = [];
$player->assisted = [];
$player->shot_types_summary = [];
$player->shot_types = [];
$player->assisted_by = [];

Player data

$player = new NBALive\NBAPlayer(202331);

//Or set player id with
$player->player_id = 202331;

//Creates the arrays


  "id": 202331,
  "first_name": "Paul",
  "last_name": "George",
  "short_name": "P. George",
  "slug": "paul-george",
  "birthdate": "1990-05-02",
  "age": 33,
  "school": "Fresno State",
  "last_aff": "Fresno State\/USA",
  "country": "USA",
  "height": "6-8",
  "height_cm": 203,
  "weight": 220,
  "weight_kg": 100,
  "seasons": 13,
  "jersey": 13,
  "position": "Forward",
  "status": "Active",
  "current_team_id": 1610612746,
  "current_team_name": "Clippers",
  "current_team_short": "LAC",
  "from_year": 2010,
  "to_year": 2023,
  "draft_year": 2010,
  "draft_round": 1,
  "draft_number": 10,
  "played_current_season": true

Player awards

$awards = new NBALive\NBAPlayerAwards(202331);

//Creates the array

Player career

$awards = new NBALive\NBAPlayerCareer(202331, 'Totals');

//Creates the arrays

Playoff brackets

$series = new NBALive\NBAPlayoffBracket('2023');

$all = $series->results;
$east = $series->east;
$west = $series->west;

$in_progress = $series->in_progress;
$completed = $series->completed;

Playoff picture

$playoffs = new NBALive\NBAPlayoffPicture('22023');

Playoff series

$playoff_series = new NBALive\NBAPlayoffSeries('2023-24');


$team = new NBALive\NBATeam(1610612757);

//Or set team id with
$team->team_id = 1610612757;

//Creates the array

Teams years

$teams = new NBALive\NBATeamYears();

//Creates the array


  "id": 1610612757,
  "name": "Trail Blazers",
  "short_name": "POR",
  "city": "Portland",
  "arena": "Moda Center",
  "year_founded": 1970

League player match ups

$match_ups = new NBALive\NBAMatchups();
$match_ups->season = '2023-24';

//Get only players from a team with
$match_ups->off_team_id = 1610612757;

//Get only certain player
$match_ups->off_player_id = 202331;

//Call fetch

//Creates the array

League player shot locations

$shots = new NBALive\NBALeaguePlayerShotLocations();
$shots->season = '2023-24';

//Get only players from a team with
$shots->team_id = 1610612757;

//Choose location/range type
$shots->distance_range = 'By Zone';
$shots->distance_range = '5ft Range';
$shots->distance_range = '8ft Range';

//Creates the arrays depending on distance_range

League player shots

$shots = new NBALive\NBALeaguePlayerShotPts();
$shots->season = '2023-24';

//Get only players from a team with
$shots->team_id = 1610612757;

//Creates the array

Video events

$ve = new NBALive\NBAVideoEvents(1, '0022300568');

//Creates the array