
eZ Platform / eZ Publish bundle to fix cross-siteaccess links, linking media types, etc.

Installs: 12 923

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Forks: 1


v3.4.0 2024-07-15 11:01 UTC


This is an eZ Platform / eZ Publish 5 Symfony bundle to fix cross-siteaccess links, linking media types, etc.


Run composer require:

$ composer require contextualcode/site-link-bundle

Enable the bundle in app/AppKernel.php (ezpublish/EzPublishKernel.php) by adding this line in the registerBundles method:

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new ContextualCode\SiteLinkBundle\ContextualCodeSiteLinkBundle(),


Usage is automatic once the bundle is enabled and configured.

You can use site-link-cross-siteaccess parameter to disable cross siteaccess linking. For example:

{{ path( 'ez_urlalias', { 'locationId': 2, 'site-link-cross-siteaccess': false }) }}
$router->generate('ez_urlalias', ['locationId' => 2, 'site-link-cross-siteaccess' => false]);

Sample config entry

The bundle contains a few options that can be configured in config.yml. For example:

    siteaccess_host_match_method: "first"

        - class_identifier: link
          external_attribute_identifier: external_link
          internal_attribute_identifier: internal_link
        - class_identifier: banner
          external_attribute_identifier: external_link
          internal_attribute_identifier: internal_link

        - class_identifier: file
          attribute_identifier: file

        - class_identifier: image
          attribute_identifier: image
  • siteaccess_host_match_method: either "none", "first", or "best". This controls how cross-siteaccess linking will be handled. "first" will use the first domain available in your siteaccess config. "best" will use the domain from the siteaccess with the most matching parts as the current domain.

  • internal_external: expects an array, each with class_identifier, optional external_attribute, and optional internal_attribute. Will treat these as "link externally if possible, and if not, link to the internal content id".

  • direct_file_link: expects an array, each with class_identifier and attribute_identifier to a File field type. Links to these objects will link directly to the /content/download file link.

  • direct_image_link: Same as direct_file_link, but will link directly to the image.