
dev-master 2015-03-17 10:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 17:38:28 UTC


Software development kit for Contee service. Allows to send newsletters, working with matched data and accessing API routes.


Sdk is developed as composer package. To instal just run:

composer install

To access API routes, that require authorization you have to pass client_id and client_secret credentials by app_id parameter.

$contee = new Contee\Contee(new Contee\Auth\ApiAuth("app_id", "client_id", "client_secret"));

Accessing API route

Api routes are currently allowed from Pro plan. Sdk has method for accessing them. When the route has an option you can pass the parameter in options array and it will be automatically replaced. Every api call returns Contee\Response\Response object, which has methods to get content back as raw output, json string, array or object.

$contee->get("/site/visits/:option, array(":option"=>"perpage"))->toObject();

Serving content

To match the right content for every one of your customers and rise your earns we need to get it first. The easiest way to do this is use this Sdk. Returns Contee\Response\Response which has methods to display as mentoied above.

$matched = $contee->createMatched();

$item = $contee->createItem();
$item->setTags(array("tag1", "tag2", "tag3")); //required item to correctly matching
$item->setData(array("name"=>"FOO")); //whatever data you want to get back and display

$matched->setResource(""); //if resource is not passed contee cookie is used or blank



Matched emails are similar than the way of serving content mentoied above. Each of thoose emails has content perfectly matched for everyone of your customers. This funcionality requires authorization with client_id and client_secret.

$newsletter = $contee->createNewsletter();

$item = $contee->createItem();
$item->setTags(array("tag1", "tag2", "tag3")); //required item to correctly matching
$item->setData(array("name"=>"FOO")); //you can access this data in email template.

$message = $contee->createMessage();
$message->setCustom(array("message" => "Hi there."));
$message->setFromName("Jhon Doe");
$message->setSubject("Whatever subject you want.");
$message->setRecipients(array("", ""));
$message->setTemplate("basic"); //layout must be uploaded and selected.

