Cookie support for PSR-7 response.

1.1.0 2019-11-17 06:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 18:21:03 UTC


Cookie support for PSR-7 response.


composer require constanze-standard/cookies


Add a Cookie to collection with addCookie.

use ConstanzeStandard\Cookies\Cookie;
use ConstanzeStandard\Cookies\CookieCollection;

$cookie = new Cookie('name', 'value', 60);

$cookieCollection = new CookieCollection();

Or you can add cookie with method add, it will return the new created Cookie instance:

use ConstanzeStandard\Cookies\CookieCollection;

$cookieCollection = new CookieCollection();
/** @var \ConstanzeStandard\Cookies\Cookie $cookie */
$cookie = $cookieCollection->add('name', 'value', 60);

The cookie's arguments:

  • string $name The name of the cookie.
  • string $value The value of the cookie.
  • int $expireTime The time of cookie expires relatively to current timestamp.
  • string $path The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on.
  • string $domain The (sub)domain that the cookie is available to.
  • bool $secure Indicates that the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection from the client.
  • bool $httponly When TRUE the cookie will be made accessible only through the HTTP protocol.

You can set default value for domain and secure with construct of CookieCollection.

$cookieCollection = new CookieCollection('localhost', true);

If you add a cookie with empty domain or secure, the collection will use the default value.

Set cookies for PSR-7 response:

 * @var \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
 * @var \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $newResponse
$newResponse = $cookieCollection->makeResponse($response);