
Laravel package to implement the

dev-master 2020-02-06 19:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 12:51:38 UTC


This is a simple helper package to make generating in Laravel apps easier.


Require the package with composer using the following command:

composer require confrariaweb/laravel-fullcalendar

Or add the following to your composer.json's require section and composer update

"require": {
	"confrariaweb/laravel-fullcalendar": "~1.0"

Laravel 5.5+

The provider and Calendar alias will be registered automatically.

You will also need to include's files in your HTML.


Creating Events

Using event():

The simpliest way to create an event is to pass the event information to Calendar::event():

$event = \Calendar::event(
    "Valentine's Day", //event title
    true, //full day event?
    '2015-02-14', //start time, must be a DateTime object or valid DateTime format (
    '2015-02-14', //end time, must be a DateTime object or valid DateTime format (,
	1, //optional event ID
		'url' => ''

Implementing Event Interface

Alternatively, you can use an existing class and have it implement ConfrariaWeb\Fullcalendar\Event. An example of an Eloquent model that implements the Event interface:

class EventModel extends Eloquent implements \ConfrariaWeb\Fullcalendar\Event

    protected $dates = ['start', 'end'];

     * Get the event's id number
     * @return int
    public function getId() {
		return $this->id;

     * Get the event's title
     * @return string
    public function getTitle()
        return $this->title;

     * Is it an all day event?
     * @return bool
    public function isAllDay()
        return (bool)$this->all_day;

     * Get the start time
     * @return DateTime
    public function getStart()
        return $this->start;

     * Get the end time
     * @return DateTime
    public function getEnd()
        return $this->end;

IdentifiableEvent Interface

If you wish for your existing class to have event IDs, implement \ConfrariaWeb\Fullcalendar\IdentifiableEvent instead. This interface extends \ConfrariaWeb\Fullcalendar\Event to add a getId() method:

class EventModel extends Eloquent implements \ConfrariaWeb\Fullcalendar\IdentifiableEvent

	// Implement all Event methods ...

     * Get the event's ID
     * @return int|string|null
    public function getId();


Additional Event Parameters

If you want to add additional parameters to your events, there are two options:

Using Calendar::event()

Pass an array of 'parameter' => 'value' pairs as the 6th parameter to Calendar::event():

$event = \Calendar::event(
    "Valentine's Day", //event title
    true, //full day event?
    '2015-02-14', //start time, must be a DateTime object or valid DateTime format (
    '2015-02-14', //end time, must be a DateTime object or valid DateTime format (,
	1, //optional event ID
		'url' => '',
		//any other full-calendar supported parameters

Add an getEventOptions method to your event class

class CalendarEvent extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model implements \ConfrariaWeb\Fullcalendar\Event

     * Optional settings for this event
     * @return array
    public function getEventOptions()
        return [
            'color' => $this->background_color,


Create a Calendar

To create a calendar, in your route or controller, create your event(s), then pass them to Calendar::addEvent() or Calendar::addEvents() (to add an array of events). addEvent() and addEvents() can be used fluently (chained together). Their second parameter accepts an array of valid FullCalendar Event Object parameters.

Sample Controller code:

$events = [];

$events[] = \Calendar::event(
    'Event One', //event title
    false, //full day event?
    '2015-02-11T0800', //start time (you can also use Carbon instead of DateTime)
    '2015-02-12T0800', //end time (you can also use Carbon instead of DateTime)
	0 //optionally, you can specify an event ID

$events[] = \Calendar::event(
    "Valentine's Day", //event title
    true, //full day event?
    new \DateTime('2015-02-14'), //start time (you can also use Carbon instead of DateTime)
    new \DateTime('2015-02-14'), //end time (you can also use Carbon instead of DateTime)
	'stringEventId' //optionally, you can specify an event ID

$eloquentEvent = EventModel::first(); //EventModel implements ConfrariaWeb\Fullcalendar\Event

$calendar = \Calendar::addEvents($events) //add an array with addEvents
    ->addEvent($eloquentEvent, [ //set custom color fo this event
        'color' => '#800',
    ])->setOptions([ //set fullcalendar options
		'firstDay' => 1
	])->setCallbacks([ //set fullcalendar callback options (will not be JSON encoded)
        'viewRender' => 'function() {alert("Callbacks!");}'

return view('hello', compact('calendar'));

Sample View

Then to display, add the following code to your View:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"/>

    {!! $calendar->calendar() !!}
    {!! $calendar->script() !!}

Note: The output from calendar() and script() must be non-escaped, so use {!! and !!} (or whatever you've configured your Blade compiler's raw tag directives as).

The script() can be placed anywhere after calendar(), and must be after fullcalendar was included.

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