(C)oncept-Labs Config Manager 2025-02-28 22:36 UTC


Documentation is in progress

Welcome to Concept-Labs/config — a flexible and efficient configuration management library for PHP. This package is designed as part of the Singularity framework but can be used as a standalone component.

Key Features

  • Path-Based Access: Access configuration data using dot-separated paths (e.g., path.to.key).
  • Plugin System: Extensible plugin architecture for processing configuration values (e.g., ${var} substitution).
  • Compilation: Optimize performance by compiling configurations into JSON for fast loading.
  • Caching: Integration with PSR-16 (SimpleCache) for caching processed values.
  • Context Support: Dynamic variable substitution using a context (e.g., ${HOME}).


Install the package via Composer:

composer require concept-labs/config

**Requires PHP >= 8.0. Usage

  • Initialization
use Concept\Config\Config;
$config = new Config([
    'context' => ['root' => '/app'],
    'path' => [
        'to' => '${root}/var/.cache'
echo $config->get('path.to'); // Outputs: '/app/var/.cache'
  • Adding Plugins Plugins allow customization of configuration value processing:
use Concept\Config\Plugin\VarPlugin;

$config->addPlugin(new VarPlugin());
$config->set('user', '${root}/users');
echo $config->get('user'); // Outputs: '/app/users'
  • Loading Configuration Load configuration from various sources (file, array, JSON string):
// Load from a JSON file
// Load and merge with existing data
$config->load(['new' => 'data'], true);
// Compile and export for performance
// Load compiled configuration
$config->load('/path/to/compiled.json', false); // Replace existing data
  • Checking Key Existence
if ($config->has('path')) {
    echo "Key 'path' exists!";
//Note: The has() method checks keys in memory ($data or $compiledData) and does not read file contents.

Performance Optimization

  • JSON Format: Configurations are exported to JSON using json_encode, which is faster and more compact than var_export + include.
  • Single Plugin Chain: PluginManager builds the processing chain once and reuses it for efficiency.
  • Caching: Leverage PSR-16 caching to store processed values.


  • Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Concept-Labs/config.git
  • Install dependencies:
composer install
  • Submit a Pull Request with your changes.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Acknowledgements Developed as part of the Singularity framework by the Concept Labs team.