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ExaVault PHP SDK

dev-master 2019-05-15 08:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-08-13 21:47:54 UTC


evapi-php is an API client written in PHP for connecting to the ExaVault API. The ExaVault API is a REST-like API providing operations for file and user management, and supports both POST and GET requests.

To get started using ExaVault's API, you first must have an ExaVault account and obtain an API key. For more information, please refer to our Developer page or contact for details.


PHP 5.4.0 and later


$ composer require commercialpeople/exavault-php-sdk:"dev-master"

Getting started

You will need to obtain an API key for your application from the Client Area of your account. To obtain an API key, please follow the instructions below.

  • Login to the Accounts section of the Client Area.
  • Use the drop down next to your desired account, and select Manage API Keys.
  • You will be brought to the API Key management screen. Fill out the form and save to generate a new key for your app.

Once you obtain your API you can use the following snippet. It will allow you to authenticate into API, create folder, get activity logs and log out user from the API.


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Authenticate User
$authApi = new ExaVault\Sdk\Api\AuthenticationApi();
$apiKey = '<api-key>';
$username = '<username>';
$password = '<password>'; 
$accessToken = '<token>';

try {

  $response = $authApi->authenticateUser($apiKey, $username, $password);
  $loginSuccess = $response['success'];

  if ($loginSuccess) {
    $accessToken = $response['results']['access_token'];
  } else {
    // something went wrong check $response['error'] for more details
    throw new Exception($response['error']['message']);

} catch (Exception $e) {
    // server error occurred
    echo 'Exception when calling AuthenticationApi->authenticateUser: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

// Create Folder
$fsApi = new ExaVault\Sdk\Api\FilesAndFoldersApi();
$folderName = 'api_test_folder'.rand();
$path = '/';


  $response = $fsApi->createFolder($apiKey, $accessToken, $folderName, $path);
  $createSuccess = $response['success'];

  if ($createSuccess) {
    // Folder created successfully
    echo ('Folder created successfully');
    // something went wrong check $response['error'] for more details
    throw new Exception($response['error']['message']);

} catch (Exception $e) {
    // server error occurred
    echo 'Exception when calling FilesAndFoldersApi->createFolder: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

// Get Activity Logs
$activityApi = new ExaVault\Sdk\Api\ActivityApi();
$offset = 0;
$sort_by = 'sort_logs_date'; 
$sort_order = 'desc'; 

try {

  $response = $activityApi->getFileActivityLogs($apiKey, $accessToken, $offset, $sort_by, $sort_order);
  $getActivitySuccess = $response['success'];

  if ($getActivitySuccess) {
    // Geat array with log entries
    $activityLogs = $response['results'];
    // something went wrong check $response['error'] for more details
    throw new Exception($response['error']['message']);

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ActivityApi->getFileActivityLogs: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

// To logout the current user, simply check the $loginSuccess flag
// that was stored earlier and then call the `logoutUser` method
if ($loginSuccess) {
  $authApi->logoutUser($apiKey, $accessToken);

You can find list of all API requets here - ExaVault API Docs